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There was a knock on Fandral's door.
It was early in the morning, the sun cast a ray of light across the shadowed room and rested on the lover's sleeping forms, the alarm clock beside them read '8:04' and flickered preparing to sound at half past.
The loud banging got louder and louder however the boys still didn't wake, loki just stirred in his sleep, humming softly before snuggling into Fandral's side.

"Your majesty?"
A soft but professional voice called.

Another 3 knocks.

"Your majesty!?"

Loki groaned, hitting the clock beside him as he had gotten used to the routine, after 1000 or so years of doing it, and sat up exhaustedly in his boyfriend's bed, rubbing his eyes and stretching tiredly.

He mumbles.

"Your father calls immediately, he expects you in the throne room by 30 past your Highness"
The guard exclaimed.

"w..what why?"
Loki stutters, his voice slightly shaky, an urgent call from his father never meant any good.

"He did not say, sir."

Loki sat still in his bed, his stomach twisting as possibilities and questions raced through his head

"I...I won't be long"
He says, pulling the covers off his slim frame and standing weakly, the sound of the guard's footsteps fade down the silent hallway.

In urgency Loki snaps his fingers, a light of green presenting him in new clothing and well-done hair, looking prepared for the day ahead.
He turned to look at Fandral who was still sound asleep on his bed, and with a soft frown, Loki left the room, closing the large doors as softly as he could behind him.


Loki's POV

"Loki." my father's voice boomed through the empty room, it was tense and stern.

I nodded softly, the only sound that could be heard was the chain of my leather boots rattling with every step I took, the heels tapping against the floor repetitively.

"Yes your majesty"
My voice was pathetic.

"stand tall son!"
He bellowed, disgust staining his voice.

I stood straight, my hands resting on my sides and doing everything I could to keep my knees still, not to buckle.
I nodded again.

"I've heard rumours."
Odin began.
I swallowed hard.

"you and fandral."
He spat.

I only nodded, every word I had to say was strangled in the tightness of my throat.

"is that a yes boy!? Are you to tell me these... what I thought to be lies... are true!?"

My jaw tensed as my father stood, his voice getting louder, his face fading red with growing anger.
I still was unable to say a word.

"You never fail to disappoint me."

"And I thought good enough of you to call you my son."
He mumbled his fingertips resting on his temples.

I still didn't mutter a word

"You can't even defend yourself! You are not to be with a man! Do you understand me!? You put shame on the family name, shame on me, shame on your mother, you make your brother look like a fool! I do not need another failure boy!"
The yelling bounced off every wall of the castle's room, hitting me with the cruel words that he had the pleasure to say.

shattered : loki's storyWhere stories live. Discover now