wanted it

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The doors of Elfheim' s castle slammed open, reverberating off of the sky-scraping walls.

"Ah Mrs. Arthurs."

Frigga speaks in a light tone but through gritted teeth.

The queen nods

"I'd rather you wouldn't just storm in Fri-"

Frigga chuckles, painting a friendly exterior as her body begins to tense.

"My apologies, Ali left her purse at Asgard during the ball, just here to return it... I wont be long."

Before a reply was possible, she had already walked swiftly round the corner, gently knocking on the princesses door.

It creaks open slowly, Ali's blond hair flowing down the corner as she peaks her head round, before completely opening the door and nodding her head down to Frigga.

"your majesty."

She says after clearing her throat, her voice still anxiously strained.

Frigga smiles, the cutch on her bag whitening her knuckles.

"Hello darling, you left your purse. Just here to return it"

Ali laughs softly.

"Oh you shouldn't off"

she says.


Frigga replies, her voice stained with passive aggressiveness. 

"and you shouldn't have lay finger on my son but here we are."

"I...I beg your pardon you majesty?"

"oh you will be." Frigga replies.

Ali's body stands tall in self defence, attempting to make herself more threatening.

"he wanted it."

She dares to say, Frigga's eyes shooting up with a harsh glare.


She spits.

"I guess you want me to forbid you from social interaction for the rest of your life, you half-witted, idiotic, imbecilic girl!"

"I.. Mother!"

The girl nervously calls.


"oh sweetheart you wanted it."

Ali's fists clench.

"don't be so petty"

She argues, however her voice is small and shaken.


Frigga begins.

"I must leave before I loose self-control. But lay another hand on my boy and that unsightly face of yours will be very hurt. do you understand me ?"

"y..yes ma'am"

The girl replies, her eyes welling up.

And without another word, Frigga had left the dimly lit room with a slam of the door behind her strutting path.

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