when the party's over

125 8 8

warnings: angst, sa, bullying

2 months time skip


April 27th, Thor's Birthday. This year there was to be a feast, with leaders of realms far from ours as he was turning 18 [human years] and he was now physically an adult, of course not quite mentally yet.

I walked into the feast hall and the table was lay beautifully with laced red silk and golden plates and cutlery, vines crawled up the tall pillars that stood tall on each side of the room and the ceiling lit up with candles mother had put up there, using a spell to make sure the castle didn't go up in flames of course. It didn't take long to see my brother, Hogan and Volstagg sat at the very end of the large dining table, laughing loudly and banging about on the freshly adorned tables as the maids pranced around them like excited children.


I mumbled to myself quietly, watching a young, blond maiden run her hands through my brothers hair, almost throwing up in my mouth as I watched him hold onto her waist, brining her onto his lap as she squeals excitedly.

I took that as my que to leave, I needed some rest before the party, I haven't slept well the past week and I absolutely cannot be bothered to socialise for 5 hours with flirty women and some rather abnormal men.

"hey mischief!"

I hear Volstagg call from afar, just as I'm about to step into the hallway. I turn towards the group, smiling gently in hopes they'd let me be.

"having trouble opening the doors!?"

My brother shouts.

"Don't worry, the stronger and better brother can do it!"

I swallow hard as he approaches me, he's already drunk and the party hasn't even begun.

"I'm perfectly fine Thor"

I groan, turning into the hallway once again until I felt a grip on my wrist. I try to pull away but my brothers strength, admittedly, is a lot stronger than my own.


He spits, Hogan's and Volstagg's laughter twisting my stomach.

I pull again at his grip, only for it to get stronger.

"Thor I need to get ready"

I say.

"oh don't be such a girl Loki, is mommy going to do your makeup for you? Given she does everything else for you, what are you a toddler."

The laughing gets louder and I just stand in my place, unable to reply. Volstagg then stands, spilling his drink as he stumbles forward.

"What's Happened? Silver tongue turned to led?"

I shake my head and look up at my brother.

"Thor please..."

I whisper.


he mocks.

"Loki's about to cry!"

As I go to speak a soft, female voice echoes across the room.

"Thor honestly? How old are you now"

My mother says agitatedly, and the harsh hold around my wrist finally releases after I get shoved to the floor.

"Thor Odinson!"

She shouts, I feel her arms wrap around me helping me up.

"Will you stop being an arrogant, self conscious child for once and pull yourself together! Perhaps we should wait until you behave like an 18 year old before we host this party, Hm?"

shattered : loki's storyWhere stories live. Discover now