take me as your own

293 17 28

implied smut near the (not much description) and a lot of kissing


Loki's heart raced as he gazed into Fandral's eyes, awaiting the grand spring royal ball at Asgard. It had been weeks since the incident, and though Loki still carried the weight of it all, the lingering effects of the past haunted him, the love he shared with his boy and mother provided solace.

As they lay entwined on the emerald bed, bathed in the soft glow of the moon, Loki, adorned in his gleaming armour, couldn't help but feel the pull of duty. Fandrals lips traced a tantalizing path along his cool neck, tempting him to stay, but Loki knew they had to press on

Loki chuckled, admiring his lover's playful nature.

"As much as I'd love to stay, my darling, the spring ball has memories. We must attend."

Fandral's childish response made Loki smile.

"just because our first kiss was at the ball does not mean we must attend it for the next 1000 years." Loki shook his head, amused by Fandral's stubbornness.

"Darling come on, up we get"

He says pulling Fandral gently on the bed.

"My 3rd warrior must attend to stand by the king."

Loki mumbles, buttoning up Fandral's shirt.
He smiled looking down at his lover who was at the last button.

"You're my king"
He muttered teasingly.

Loki grinned, standing up to kiss his lover's forehead, and ruffling his hair.

"save it later my soldier."
He whispered against his neck, guiding him out of the room.

The night stretched on, with people swaying to the rhythm of the music that reverberated through the castle walls. The intoxicating aroma of delectable dishes wafted through the air, enticing all who passed by. Year after year, the scene remained unchanged, a timeless tradition.

Fandral sat at the feast table, a glass of red wine in his hand, talking in a slurred manner to Volstagg who sat next to him. Every now and then, he glanced over at Loki in the corner. Loki had been standing by his father's side all evening, greeting guests and feeling completely drained from all the socializing.

Fandral's pov

I gasped in surprise as Loki suddenly materialized behind me, his hands gently resting on my shoulders, and a mischievous smile gracing his face. Meanwhile, Volstagg had already disappeared to spend time with his girlfriend.

"Well, well, well, look who's here," I said, looking up at Loki, a playful smile forming on my lips.

"Can we finally leave?" he muttered, planting a discreet kiss on my neck.

"You're the one who dragged me into this mess," I groaned, resting my head against his.

My eyes widened as I felt his strong hands settle on my waist. He nestled into my neck, humming softly.

"I've just greeted the entire nine realms, and I'm pretty sure I owe half of them something for making their lives more dreadfully interesting," Loki chuckled sarcastically. "Pleaseeee, let's go," he pleaded.

"We still have to endure the toasts before we can leave my love," I replied, moving his head away cautiously as I caught Thor's gaze on us.

That sparked a question in my mind. "How are things between you and Thor?" I asked softly, instantly regretting it as I saw Loki shift uncomfortably in his seat.

"We've seen better days," he mumbled.

I nodded understandingly, intertwining my fingers with his.

"Come on, let's get out of here," I said, nodding towards the doors and pulling my beloved away from his chair.


We stumbled through the dimly lit corridors, the anticipation and desire palpable in the air. As I gently pressed him against the wall, our lips locked in a passionate embrace.

"Mmm, you seem tired," I murmured, my words intermingling with our kisses.

He nodded in response, his eyes filled with longing.

Our kisses grew more intense, fueled by the hunger between us. I pushed him further against the wall, my hands tangling in his hair, pulling him closer as our tongues danced in harmonious rhythm.

"Mmm, I love you," he groaned, his hips responding to my touch.

"Not more than I love you," I chuckled, my lips trailing down to his neck, leaving soft, lingering marks.

His head tilted back, his grip tightening on my blond locks. Behind us, his hands found the door handle, and we stumbled into my chambers. With a swift kick, I closed the door, my focus solely on Loki as he landed gracefully on the bed.

"You're absolutely gorgeous, my love," I whispered, admiration filling my voice as I gazed at his dishevelled form.

"then take me as your own"
he whispers playfully.


Okay, I'm not writing anything more than that, make the most of it for you lot who wanted a, rather explicit scene.

I wish you all a happy new year, I hope you're enjoying my book so far :)

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