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Loki slipped out of his bed early, changing into a green shirt and his usual leggings and boots, kissing Fandral's forehead lightly on his way out, leaving him to sleep in.
Thor planned training for 6 this morning, and by the time Loki was down the stairs he was already practising his combat on a dummy.
Loki puts down his bottle of water and draws his dagger.
"Who needs a dummy?"
He says mockingly.
Thor turns, a childish grin on his face and the boys start training against each other.

"Who was in your room last night?"
Loki asks breaking the silence, thor stills for a second, before hitting the blade against his brother's harshly.

"How do you know about anyone in my chambers"
Thor says, clearly aggravated.

"Stumbled past her after sweeping the floors.. a maid..? Didn't know that was your type"
Loki says with a petty tone
Thor hits Loki's knife harder this time, causing his younger brother to stumble back slightly.

"She was simply cleaning my chambers."

"After hours?"


"You and a Maid oh how lovely!"

"Loki Quit it!"

"Honestly what would Sif have to say about this hm?"

Sif is standing at the door, her eyes tearing up, thor runs after her as she walks down the corridors swiftly, shoving past Loki, his blade falling to the floor with a clatter.

Loki says, his voice trailing off to a whisper.


The rest of the day was yelling back and forth between the couple, arguments, and loud bangs of Thor hitting the walls or flipping tables.
Loki couldn't stay in the living room anymore, walking out and walking upstairs to the library anxiously.


I know this one was short, my writer's block hit me like a brick, however, the next 2 chapters should make up for it

shattered : loki's storyWhere stories live. Discover now