dont call yourself my brother

300 16 47

A lot of angst, a fight, description of blood, and violence.


Loki stood at the door, his hands shaking as a wave of anxiousness washed over him.
"I can't go in there," he thought to himself, stomach twisting as he watched his brother sit at the wooden table with tear-stained, swollen eyes, moving his food around on his plate like a child.

Fandral looked up from his seat to see Loki standing at the door chewing on his nails, he caught his attention with a cough, tapping the chair next to him so Loki knew he was able to sit next to his Lover and nobody else.
Loki walked in, his breath hitched in his throat as he slowly sat next to Fandral.
Thor's eyes followed him in, piercing daggers through his brother's body with a threatening glare. Lokis's body was tense, every muscle straining as he sat in his chair completely still and silent, he stared at his food, not even touching any of the cutlery, just staring.
Fandral slipped his hand under the table, finding Loki's knee and rubbing soothing circles around it with his thumb, making sure nobody could see.

"You need to eat something love."

He whispers into Lokis's ear, loki shaking his head.

Frigga's soft voice echoed through the room which was thick with tension and hatred.
Loki cleared his throat as Thor whispered something about his brother Volstagg's ear, leaving them snickering like teenage girls as they watched Loki's every movement.
He stood from his chair suddenly, walking out of the dining room rubbing his chest that tightened with every step Loki took.
Thor was fast to follow behind, following Loki into his chambers, making him stand still in the middle of his room, not daring to look at his brother.

"How do you always manage to fuck everything up!" Thor shouts, the anger boiling back up in his blood.
"You just can't keep your mouth shut, you can't keep your nose out of everyone else's business for once in your life!"

Loki takes a deep breath, pursing his lips before turning to speak to his brother.
"I...I didn't mean to."
He says, his voice cracking.

"You never mean to, do you!?" His brother replies through gritted teeth.
Lokis's heart sinks, fighting back a hiccup as his tears well up.

"I'm sorry.. "
He whispers.

"Sorry isn't good enough with you Loki! How could you be so selfish!? You've ruined everything for me and dare to stand in front of me with pathetic tears running down your face, no wonder Father called you the weak one."

the dining room.

Everyone awkwardly sat at the table, hearing the echoes of the brothers' arguments bouncing off the corridor walls, more Thor's voice than Loki's.
Fandral sat uncomfortably on his chair wondering whether to get up or not and check the argument, but remained in his seat nervously. Frigga shares a look with Odin, Thor's voice bellowing louder and louder, Loki's almost nothing to be heard.

There was a bang.
A loud thud reverberated through the room.

Fandral jumped from his chair, rushing down the halls, up the endless amount of stairs. Frigga stood up in urgency, signalling Odin to check whatever was happening above them as the rest at the table sat with plain faces, continuing to eat their food.


Thor began to walk quickly up to his brother who put his hands up in defence.

"It's just all about you isn't it!"
He shouts, grabbing his brother's shoulders and slamming him against the beige walls, painted with old Norse stories.

Loki wheezes, the impact taking a shock on him, struggling against his brother's grasp.

"Don't call yourself my brother."
He spits apathetically.

All Loki can do is nod weakly.

"Snake bit your tongue?"
Thor says, the resentment staining his voice.

"Let me go"
loki struggles.

"You've ruined this.. for everyone."
He says pushing his brother into the wall again

"I...I know... broth- Thor please.. you're hurting me"

Thor smirks disgustedly, both he and his brother know when Thor is angry it never ends well, he's hit walls, flipped tables, smashed things, and thrown things, but he never laid a hand on anyone. Especially not Loki.

"You're the one who cheated on her."
Loki brawls.

This was it for Thor. Pulling his fist back before it hit his brother's face, who fell to the floor, holding his nose as it bled into his hands.
Thor grabbed under his arms lifting his brother's small form, pushing him back into the wall.

"You don't have a say in this."

He says hitting his brother's weak body in the face twice again

"do you understand?"
he says tugging on his black hair.

Loki couldn't reply.

another slam. "Do you understand!!!?"

Loki's voice breaks, nodding as he smears the blood on his lip down his chin. Thor drops his trembling figure onto the frostbitten ground.

There's a bang at the door as they open widely, Fadral pushing through the heavy wood.

"Get away from him"
He says, voice bitter.

Thor goes to hurt his brother again, before Fandral grabs onto the God's broad shoulders, pulling him away from Loki's bruised body that shakes in the corner. A few words slip from his bloodstained lip.
"Fandral don't.. "
He groans, barely audible over the noise Thor is making.

"You're a selfish monster."
Thor shouts to his brother, walking back towards Loki who covers his hands over his face defensively, expecting another hit.

Thors dragged back, A dagger held to his throat as he's pushed against a shattered mirror.

"Touch him again and I'll fucking kill you."
The words spit out of Fandral's mouth as he pressed the blade against Thor's throat.

Before anything more could happen Odin storms into the poorly lit room, grabbing Thor's arm, barely covered by his broken armour, dragging him out of the room, taking Fandral in the other hand, gripping around his small wrist.
Before he leaves the room Odin turns to look at Loki's ɓeaten frame.

"Always you Loki."
He says with a look of shame on his face.
He murmurs before walking out of the room with the two blonds in each hand, slamming the chamber doors behind him.

Odin drags the two boys down the Palace stairs into the dining room, Frigga gasps seeing thors bruised eye and the cut on Fandral's cheekbone.

"What... how did this happen!" She says breathlessly, eyes wide as she takes Thor's face in her hands.

Odin just groans, pushing Fandral forward.
"He held a dagger to our son."

Frigga just stood in disbelief.

"I doubt that was for no reason?"
She gasps again.

Fandral just shakes his head and holds it low.

"Sorry your majesty"
He says, his voice barely a whisper as Frigga walks away with Thor to the healers.


Before people say this is out of character I could argue it.
Every character needs character development and based on the first Thor movie Thor was very very aggressive and arrogant before he went through everything, so without a doubt as a teenager he would have been worse.

Thank you so much for all the support and votes it means so so much and I love reading everyone's comments on here and TikTok.
Feel free to comment with song recommendations and chapter recommendations or just some stuff you want to be included
Thank you so so much :)

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