love-sick fool

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Loki arrived at the Ball, his suit was uncomfortably tight on him as he stood in the hallway tugging at his tie, that was before he heard footsteps at the top of the stairs. His eyes wandered up the expensive railing and met with his brown ones, a smirk tugging at the end of his lips as he walked slowly down the stairs, making a sarcastic entrance before dramatically strutting toward Loki.

"It's rude to stare"

Fandral chuckles moving a stray hair out of Lokis face that now burt a dark crimson.

"you dare to insult a prince?"

Loki replies with sarcasm dripping in his voice.

"Hm.. I'll see you later at the ball mischief."

Fandral says with a soft smile before walking down into the Great Hall to see Thor.

Lokis' body relaxes as he stands there uncomfortably, realizing how tense he is. He shakes his head and rubs his temples.
"snap out of it Loki." he groans to himself, walking flustered into the bathrooms to splash his face with some cold water, he'd be delusional to think anyone felt anything toward someone like himself.

Fandrals POV

It was getting late, the dances had begun and the large feast table was being cleared and I still hadn't seen him all night. I knew he wasn't big on parties but he never missed them. My eyes scanned the large hall before I felt a large hand on my shoulder, jumping as Volstagg's loud voice spoke behind me

"You seem distracted friend?"
He says rubbing my shoulder
"There a girl here you've lost?"
Vol says teasingly, handing me a drink, red wine, Loki's favourite drink.

"Just tired, big night"
I say waving my hand in the air

"You haven't seen the Prince have you?"
my voice trails off as my cheeks flustered.

"Yes, Thor is over there with Sif!" Stagg bellows, nudging me in a friendly manner however causing me to stumble due to his large form.

"N..not Thor... I..I meant Prince Loki.. he's been absent all evening."
I say avoiding eye contact, Volstagg chuckles.

"Why would you care for the younger prince? He has no purpose here tonight, he's probably just reading in his chambers as usual" he spits.

I bite my lip, not replying and just nodding before walking away into the crowds of people.
Volstagg watched me, confusion painting his face.
Why would I care so much?

The night grows darker, crowds dying down as people go off to rest. I looked pathetic sitting in the corner of the hall, I had a wine glass in one hand and a book in the other, that was until I heard a familiar voice above me.

"What books that"
The man says with a tired raspy voice, one I knew well.

I look up and my face lightens up, passing the prince a glass of wine.
"It's just an old Midgarian Dickens book."
I shrug off, however push back a smile as his lips curl up.
"What one?"
He asks, drinking from the wine glass, humming as he tastes the refreshment.

"A Tale of Two Cities"
I reply anxiously, feeling his hands on mine as he takes the book out of my hands.

"Good choice," he says softly, placing the book on the stool chair beside me. My eyes widen as he hands out his hand, I look up at him, and his blue eyes look anxious as I remain quiet before he then pulls away and stumbles back slightly.

"I'm sorry... I.. i"

Sensing Lokis panic, I stand from my chair quickly,
"No, Loki wait!"
I shout, only loud enough for him to hear.
"I'd love to."
I say softly, taking his cold hands in mine.
He doesn't say anything, he just looks down at me, his beautiful eyes gleaming in the light of the chandeliers which shadow his cheekbones and brighten up his flawless skin.. he was gorgeous.

An old Asgardian tune began to play, it was slow, a harmony with words, and I danced in his arms around the royal ballroom, my eyes not leaving his. The night went on and on.. it felt like hours before the music stopped playing. Loki pulled away from me with a huge smile on his face, and I leaned up to him, my hands on his waist...

Odin calls from the other room, and we jump out of each other's touch.
"Come help clean up son!"
The Allfather calls, and without a second thought, Loki nods gently at me and walks away into the feast room, leaving me standing in the middle of the dance room like a love-sick fool.

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