our night

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Loki couldn't sleep, he had tried and tried, turning and twisting in his bed but it seemed hopeless.
He sat up tiredly, his blankets scrambled at his waist as he ran his hands through his hair and down his face before standing up in defeat.
He slipped through his chamber doors, creeping down the cold corridors to his lover's room, knocking gently on the cold wooden doors.
Fandral let him in after hearing his tired voice through the thin castle walls, and before he knew it he had Loki snuggled in his arms, arms wrapped tightly around his waist as he nuzzled into his lover's neck.

Loki hummed softly.

Fandral ran his hands through Loki's dark curls, smiling at the sudden affection Loki was giving.

"Everything alright dove?"
he chuckled

"can't sleep"
he groans

Fandral teases, beginning to braid Loki's long hair.

he replied agitatedly

"Well, how about we watch something, my love, it'll help you sleep."

Loki nodded against his boyfriend's chest, however not moving an inch to let him get the remote.
So Fandral had to drag himself off the bed, with Loki's arms still wrapped around him, to reach for it.

"any preferences?"
he asks, getting comfortable again

"I don't mind"
Loki whispers, just glad to be in Fandrald arms.

As the night grew later, the movie continued playing in the background. Loki eventually drifted off to sleep, nestled against Fandral's side, their bodies curled together. Fandral, engrossed in his book, gently ran his fingers through Loki's hair, which was now beautifully braided. With a contented smile on his lips, he admired his beloved's sleeping form.

"How are you so beautiful.."
He whispered, brushing some of Loki's curls out of his face, kissing his forehead gently.

"I'm so happy to be able to call you mine."

Loki hummed quietly in his sleep, snuggling tighter into Fandral's side, his hair tickling Fandral's neck.
His arms were wrapped tightly around Fandral's waist as if to never let go.

His eyes widened as he heard his name slip through Loki's lips.

"hmm?" He whispered, despite knowing Loki was completely asleep.

"I love you"
Loki whispered tiredly.

Fandral smiled softly.

"I love you more than anything my sweetheart"


I'm too tired to proofread and improve sorry yall

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