yet another royal ball

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I woke up next to my mother. She was asleep with a book lying across her chest, her hair a mess against the pillow.
I pulled the blanket up around her and dragged myself out of bed.
It was the spring solstice, the royal ball.

I opened the door to my closet room, looking through the suits that were organized in colored hangers, searching for one I hadn't worn yet, finding a completely black suit, a black tie, a black shirt and trousers, and my long leather boots.

'It'll do,' I whispered to myself, hanging the outfit on the door and leaving to go down to the breakfast room.
I poured myself some coffee, sitting down on the couch tiredly, still in last night's dinner clothes.
A smile spread on my face as Fandral walked in from the other side of the room

"You look, exhausted love"
He hummed, coming from behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist, kissing my neck.

I replied confusedly, leaning into my lover's touch.

He says, running his fingers through my hair.

"You're going to the ball tonight, I assume."
He questioned, still not moving away from me.

"I had picked out my suit before I came down,"
I chuckled, taking another sip of my coffee - Fandral walked around the front of the couch before lying on my lap.

"A whole year."
He hummed.

I looked down at him, again confused, braiding his hair which was still, as usual, a mess.

"The spring ball last year - I - we well - you know - oh Loki you haven't forgotten!?"

I chuckle softly

"Of course not love, it's our one year."
I say, smiling down at my lover.

"One year since the guard interrupted it,"

Fandral laughs, looking up at me - his pupils wide.

"He saved himself a sight."
He jokes.
I lift him off my thighs, ignoring his annoyed protests as he childishly fought against me.

"Fandral the time darling"
I said, realizing we only had an hour till the ball began.

"I'll see you at the ball, love!"
I say before going to get changed.

My mother had left the room by the time I got there and I changed into my suit, staring into the mirror as I differed on my opinion of it, worried it wasn't good enough, but shortly after shrugged it off and went down to begin the long night.


The party was growing louder, and more exciting as the night went on, with people drinking and dancing around the large hall.
Me and Fandral sat in the corner, clearly very drunk, laughing over crappy jokes that we muttered to each other, making a mess of our drinks and spilling red wine down new, freshly laundered clothing.

"maybe thors adopted you know"
I spit out drunkenly
"I don't see why any of us would be adopted though"

"I am worthyyyyy"
Fandral replied mockingly, throwing his hand in the air, and smashing the glass on the wall accidentally"

I choked while laughing hysterically

"My wineeeee"
He called, tapping the now-wet wall.
My eyes widened when he stood up, swaying from side to side as if you had just spun him around, I attempted to get up myself before falling back onto the cold wooden floor - I just sat and watched whatever he was going to do next, sipping from an empty glass I didn't realize was empty.
Fandral tapped a maid on her shoulder, she was holding a plate of glasses full of champagne.

"Please ma'am"
He said swallowing a laugh and repetitively tapping her shoulder.

"Drink please"
He repeats, stumbling back and wiping his lips, the woman laughs softly, passing him 2 drinks after watching me sit disassociated on the floor drinking practically air.
Fandral then made his way back to the corner, spilling almost the entire drink on his way there before throwing himself on the floor, passing me my glass after I let go of his drunken figure that hit the floor hard.

"You're gonna get yourself hurt darling"
I laugh, trying to act sober as my mother walks past, a smirk playing on her lips.

"Neat coming from you"
Fandral whispers before laughing at himself

"I beg your pardon"
I replied with a fake offense, putting a hand on my forehead dramatically.
"you hurted my feelings"
I cry sarcastically.

"Good, and it's hurt you idiota"
Fandral replies in the same sarcastic manner, before resting his head on my shoulder, putting a hand on my thigh making my breath hitch.

I say breathlessly, blinking hard as the alcohol headache begins to kick in.

I slur, laughing at myself.

Fandral hums into my chest.

"Do you recon the Gilmore girls are real"
He begins, I sigh - running my hands through my hair before kissing my lover's head that still rested on my shoulder.
I was still drinking more despite my state, and at this point didn't know at all what I was doing - beginning to hum a song, terribly.

"Where you lead... I will followww"

Fandral carried on as my words cracked.

"Anywhere that you tell me too!"


"You shush loony"

I look down at him, his blond hair brushing against my neck then his veiny hands squeezing my thigh softly.
He was gorgeous - and he was mine.

"mm - fandral"
I hum.

"Yes love?"
He answers quietly, feeling more heavy on my side.

"you're so perfect"
The words were so quiet they were barely audible - but even though they were drunk didn't mean the thoughts weren't sober.

Fandral smiles into my neck, his warm breath tickling the cold skin.
"you're a prince"
He replied.

I said wrapping my hands around his waist

He replied, laughing softly at my sudden affection.

Although it was sweet we were still absolutely pissed - but before I could say another word Fandral suddenly tugged at my tie, pulling me up with him as he stood - I looked down, furrowing my brows

"Fa- I - what are you - l-love?"

He pulled me down the corridors before pushing me against a cold stone wall, I gasped at the sudden temperature change.

I chocked.

He hushed again, extremely drunk, kissing my neck sloppily while groaning quietly to himself.

I looked down at him, again, shock painting my face as he began to unbutton my shirt.

"Fandral - Darling..."

shattered : loki's storyWhere stories live. Discover now