you'll always have your mother

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I heard my mother's voice call, bouncing off the castle walls along with the sound of her dress swaying in the cold air as she chased after me.

"Loki, darling come here"
She said, louder this time and I heard her movement stop before turning around.

"Why will I never be good enough for him"
I said before falling to the floor, tears threatening to spill - I covered my face embarrassedly with my shaking hands, letting my head rest against her chest as she was swiftly by my side, once again holding my figure close to hers.

"Let it go dove"
She said brushing some hair out my face and wiping the tears that streamed down my cheeks, letting me cry in her arms without a word - without a single look of judgment - just a loving embrace I was always welcome in.

"Shhh shh shh"
She whispered.

"I'm sure she didn't mean it-"
She began, only for me to quickly shut her off.

"I'm sure he did"


"Don't tell me he didn't, he watched me as he said those words, they were so clearly aimed at me."
I sob.

"I just wanted a father - all I ever wanted was a father - a... a father who would help me train, take me to battles, to missions, show me the world, the realms, space, the stars.
If not even that just someone who loved me... someone who cared."

Frigga held me tightly

"You'll always have me, my love"
She said kissing my head gently

"You'll always have your mother"


Sorry this one was short I've got a lot planned and imma try and write a lot tonight, I have some good chapters (happy ones omg) on their way

Thank you for all the supportttt

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