a 'happy' new year

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mention of failed attempt. strong angst.



The midnight bells resounded, their melodic chimes ushering in the new year, as I cradled my beloved in my trembling arms. With tender affection, I softly whispered, "Happy New Year," while lifting him into my embrace. In response, he emitted a faint hum, his strength waning.

His voice quivered as he uttered, "I'm not meant to still be here."

Gently, I reassured him, "If that were true, my dearest, I wouldn't have found you. Fate has been shadowing your steps, guiding us together." I held him tightly against my chest, our connection unyielding.

Amidst the quietude, he whispered, "Happy New Year," seeking solace in the curve of my neck, his weariness palpable.

As we made our way down the castle's icy corridors, Loki drifted off to sleep in my arms. After what seemed like an eternity, we finally arrived at his mother's room, and I softly tapped on the towering doors.

The queen responded swiftly, her eyes widening with concern as she took in Loki's shattered state in my embrace. His tear-stained and pallid face spoke volumes. "Oh, my dear boy," she exclaimed, pulling me into her reading room, where Loki continued to rest in my shivering arms.

I held her son gently in my arms, feeling his cold body against me. Carefully, I placed him on the soft bedding in the dimly lit corner of the room. The small lamp gave a warm glow around us.

Frigga, with worry in her voice, leaned closer and brushed Loki's hair away from his face. She spoke quietly, her words filled with fear, "Is it... what I think it is?"

I nodded, my heart sinking as I understood the seriousness of the situation. "I thought I had lost him," I admitted, my voice trembling with the memory.

Frigga's breath caught, her eyes reflecting the pain she felt. Words couldn't capture the depth of her emotions as they trailed off into silence. The vulnerability of her son had taken her by surprise, leaving her with a mix of disbelief and concern. "I didn't expect this from him" she whispered anxiously.

"No one did, Allmother," I reassured her, acknowledging her disbelief and worry.

After she finished the healing potion, Frigga gently placed the bowl in the sink. Then, she nestled beside her son, holding him close. Her eyes met mine softly.
"He'd be lost without you," she whispered, her voice sincere, her fingers gently stroking Loki's hair.

A soft smile formed on my lips, touched by her heartfelt words. "And I'd be lost without him," I replied, my voice filled with unwavering devotion. Loki had become an important part of my life, and I would do everything to protect and care for him.

The queen chuckled softly, trying to lighten the heavy atmosphere. "Hurt his heart, and you're in trouble," she teased, a playful glint in her eyes.

I chuckled too, my stomach still twisting as I watched my lover lay broken in his mother's hold."I wouldn't dare," I assured her.



Thank you so much for 1K reads already oh my lord.
Sorry to begin with a very upsetting story however they are going to get happier!
I appreciate all the support (my videos are flopping so bad atm I'm so confused) and I hope you all are enjoying the book!
Always feel free to comment on ideas and stuff you want me to include.
Have an amazing 2024 and look after yourselves, on of course once again thank you so much for everything.

Also would any of you like a Sherlock book?
(not hinting at any future books at all 🙈)

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