where's mischief?

191 13 13

Every day it was training at 2 pm, an hour after supper. The soldiers, including the two princes, met in the large fighting room, however, it was used for exercise and training aside from combat.
The bells chimed for the 2nd hour, Sif was already in the large room preparing her armour and equipment, Volstagg on the other side tying up his ginger curls.
As the minutes passed Fandral and Hogun arrived with Thor not far behind them who was admiring his hammer that he held boastfully in his hands.

"Right today Odins assigned us our partners"
Thor begins.

"Volstagg is with Sif, Hogun you're with me, and Fandral you're with Loki"
his face fades to a look of confusion as he scans the room for his brother where he is nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Mischief?"
He questions, a twinge of anxiousness tangled in his words.

"He was with me earlier in the Libary, I left to have lunch and I haven't seen him since."
Fandral speaks as he double-checks the room.

"He never misses training?"
Sif worries.

It goes awkwardly silent for a while as they think of where Loki would be, Hogun groans, walking over to his weights in a petty manner.

"So what Lokis not here? we can still train it won't change much. It's not as if the Prince ever says a word anyway"

Sif hesitates before tilting her head and going over to the treadmill, typing up her dark, wavy hair into a high ponytail.

Thor and Fandral share a concerned look, neither of them going to training as they question Loki's lack of presence. However, with time, Thor shrugs it off, lifting a sword from the floor to go against Hogun.

Fandral just stands in the middle of the room, before walking out into the corridors to see what's holding Loki back.


Sorry this one is short I'm having writer's block 😭

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