a midnight song

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The castle was dead silent, everyone was in their chambers asleep as their prince swept the floors of the large feast hall, humming to the song that played through his headphones. It was one of his favorites, performed by a Midgardian band named "The Smiths" that Thor introduced him to after going down to Midgard with Odin as a little boy.
The lyrics echo through the dark room.

"Punctured bicycle
On a hillside desolate
Will nature make a man of me yet?
When in this charming car
This charming man
Why pamper life's complexity
When the leather runs smooth
On the passenger seat?
I would go out tonight
But I haven't got a stitch to wear
This man said, "It's gruesome
That someone so handsome should care"
Ah, a jumped-up pantry boy
Who never knew his place
He said, "Return the ring"
He knows so much about these things
He knows so much about these things
I would go out tonight
But I haven't got a stitch to wear
This man said, "It's gruesome
That someone so handsome should care"

Lokis's hums soon became words as he whispered the song softly in the empty room. Fandral stood at the door with a smile on his lips, watching Loki sweep to the tune of the song.

"Na, na-na, na-na, na-na, this charming man
Oh, na-na, na-na, na-na, this charming man
Ah, a jumped-up pantry boy
Who never knew his place
He said, "Return the ring"
He knows so much about these things
He knows so much about these things
He knows so much about these things"

Fandral walked in, his hands finding Loki's shoulders making him jump slightly.
"I love the smiths" he whispered, pushing Lokis headphones aside

Loki stuttered.

"I said I love the Smiths."

They stood still in the dark for a while, until Fandral reached up and grabbed Loki's cheeks, pulling him down and kissing him. Loki's body tensed up slightly, before settling into it, pushing Fandral against the wooden table as the kiss grew more eager. A guard's cough broke the silence. A tall man who was awkwardly stood in the corner of the large room in full armor. The two boys chuckled to each other, going out into the gardens where they were alone.

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