sickness bug

122 8 14

warnings: mentions of vomiting and illness


I shifted to my side, luxuriating in the warm sunbeams that reflected on my bare torso. Glancing at the clock beside me, it displayed 8:07. My eyes narrowed at the open window, and I snatched a pillow, pressing it against my face in annoyance until I heard a soft chuckle beside me.

"too bright my love, I can always close the curtains again? I just found it dark in here."

Fandral softly murmured, brushing away the stray hairs from my pale face. He noticed that I looked even paler than usual, which made him worry. He pursed his lips with concern.

"mm, tired.."

I groaned and turned away from the light, placing my head on my lover's side. But before I could utter a word, a wave of nausea hit me, causing my stomach to tighten. I swiftly got out of bed, clutching my stomach and covering my mouth as I hurried to the bathroom. There, I hunched over the toilet, emptying my stomach, while Fandral gently ran his hands through my hair, keeping it away from my face.

"that's it, you're alright dove, probably just eaten something funny last night"

He whispers, rubbing my back gently, still holding my hair back in case I were to be sick again.

"I never ate last night, I just had a few drinks."

I let out a groan and fall down on the freezing bathroom tiles. I lean against Fandral, who's sitting behind me, reaching for the thermometer from the cupboard next to us.

"then maybe you're sick darling."

He says, brining the thermometer to my head before I move away, not too fast after feeling the queasiness of my stomach.

"I beg your pardon?"

I ask with complete disgust.

"I said you...."

"a god does not get sick!"

I shout, then rubbing my head as it pulses in pain and dizziness.

"I am completely well!"

"Loki darling I...."

Just as he's about to finish his sentence, I hunch over the toilet again, throwing up the rest of last night's drinks. Fandral wraps his arms around my waist once I'm done, pulling me closer, and cleans my mouth with a damp cloth before taking my temperature.

"Not a fever but you're getting close my love"

He sighs, helping me up and towards the bed, before realising this is the guest room and not ours.


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