mothers love

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The sky begins to cast a subtle gradient of dark blue across Asgard as the sun burns on the horizon. Frigga is walking through the castle after visiting the library, stopping in her path as she hears sniffles from Loki's chambers.
Her head repeats his name, how did she not think of him?
She worries, walking to his door, knocking gently, not to startle him.
Loki just lets out a soft hum, knowing his mother's soft knock more than anyone's.
As she walks in she doesn't expect to find her son on the floor, blood smeared down his pale face, from both his nose and wounded lip. His eye is bruised, as so is the side of his left cheek and he holds his left arm tightly as if it is hurting him.

"Oh, my love."
Frigga says going to Loki's side and holding him tightly against her chest, brushing back his hair which was wet with tears.
"If I would've known..."
She says shakily, wiping some of the blood off his chin with her sleeve.
Loki doesn't say a word, he just sits quietly.

"Odin didn't say anything... I assumed you weren't involved."
She says almost guiltily, frowning as she doesn't get a reply.

"Loki you need to talk to me, what happened darling?"
She says holding his head gently in her warm hands.

Still not a word.

Frigga sighs, lifting her son's broken form, onto his bed, using her magic to put him in some more comfortable clothing. She conjures a small bowl, full of warm water and a flannel, and she begins to tend to Lokis's wounds, dabbing his lip, keeping a hand on his comfortingly as he winces and gasps in pain.

"Can you speak to me now sweetheart?"
She says as she cleans the blood that had dripped down his neck.
Loki nods slowly, he speaks, only a few words at a time, but Frigga is just proud that he's communicating.

"He... Sif... they argued... my fault"
He whispers.
Frigga frowns at his words.

"You're fault?" she says as her head tilts in confusion, and to clean a small wound on his jawline.

"Thor cheated on Sif."
He says slowly, taking his time to say full sentences.

"I...I didn't know Sif was behind me when I brought it up to Thor and she found out."
He stuttered

"H...he was arguing with her all day... and c..clearly had to let off some steam."

His mother's eyes hold a sympathetic emotion, shocked this was Thors doing.

"Thor did this to you?"
She questions in disbelief.

Loki nods.
"It's not like I didn't deserve it... I fucked everything up... but I didn't expect him to..."

Frigga immediately shushes her son, putting aside the bowl, the water now crimson.
She reaches for the first aid kit and sits closer to her son as she puts some butterfly stitches on his cuts.
"This was not at all your fault Loki"
She says sternly.
"Thor had no right to do such a thing."
She almost sounds angered as she continues to tend to lokis injuries.
"Norns he's hurt you Loki."
She mumbles as she finishes up the last cut.

Frigga packs up the equipment she used, placing it on Loki's bedside table and laying beside him, fluffing up the pillow and then hesitating to lay on it, staring at the green silk.

"Mother?" Loki asks at her sudden stillness.

She picks up a short blond hair from Loki's pillowcase, looking at her son trying to fight back the smile that tugged at the corner of her lips.
"No wonder he defended you so much."
Frigga chuckles, flicking the hair onto the floor and sitting beside her son who lay by her side.
Loki stuttered embarrassedly.


"oh don't act stupid" his mother replies beginning to braid his curls.

"the second I heard he had held a dagger to your brother I knew something was going on between the two of you."

Lokis sits up slightly.

"He did what?"

Frigga shares the same look as her son.

"He really did beat you up."
She says with a small smile, however, a frown playing on her lips as her heart shatters for her boy. 

"Are you inferring I'm... with Fandral."
Loki says with fake offence.

"Oh I'm not inferring my boy, I know you're with him."
She said, laughing lightly.

Loki's face becomes a dark shade of red, and Frigga smiles as she goes back to braiding her son's hair.

"As long as he cares for you..."
She begins.

"I'm happy."
His mother replies kissing his forehead.

Loki smiles as he snuggles by his mother's side.

As she runs her fingers through his curls Loki drifts asleep in her arms, when she is sure he's sleeping, she slips away from him, tucking the blanket around him softly closing the door as she exits.

shattered : loki's storyWhere stories live. Discover now