[8] Astonishing Growth!

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In the first layer of the dungeon, blood dripped onto the ground from the tip of the sword.

At this moment, August's entire body was covered in blood, and his body trembled slightly.

Excitement! Pleasure!

August didn't know why he felt this way, but he could now be sure that he was thoroughly enjoying himself.

The pleasure of slaughtering enemies, something he had never experienced before, was like releasing a suppressed demon, unstoppable.


A foot crushed the head of the last goblin, and after a burst of black mist, a magic stone appeared on the ground.

"Are you okay?"

Riveria walked over with steps and a hint of concern in her tone.

For any newcomer entering the dungeon for the first time, the battle with monsters was a permanent lesson and a threshold that must be crossed.

"I feel great now!"

August smiled, but due to his blood-drenched appearance, he seemed a bit wild.

Thud~ Thud~ Thud~

Blood was boiling, and the sound of the heartbeat was exceptionally clear at this moment.


Suddenly, at this moment, a crisp sound rang out.

August looked up, and a goblin had emerged from the dungeon.

However, unlike the previous goblins, this one was entirely black, and compared to the frail goblins, it appeared exceptionally robust, reaching a height of almost 1.7 meters.

"What is this? A black goblin, how is this possible!"

Riveria was astonished.

Goblins were among the weakest monsters in the dungeon, easily defeated by any adventurer. However, the black goblin was different. It was a variant of the regular goblin, possessing strength far beyond a typical goblin and considered upper-mid-tier among level 1 monsters.


Roaring, the black goblin, wielding a wooden club, swiftly attacked August.

"Perfect timing!"

Upon seeing this, August laughed, activated the Gate of Babylon, and continuously shot out his sword.




The black goblin, swinging its wooden club, deflected all the incoming swords.

"Interesting, is this an elite monster? It actually possesses intelligence!"

Riveria frowned, watching the black goblin with a puzzled expression.

Although the black goblin was a variant, it was still just a level 1 monster. How could it possess such intelligence? This was highly abnormal.


Soon, the black goblin reached August, and with a wooden club, it swiftly attacked his head.

If it hit, it would undoubtedly cause severe injury if not death.

"Just a puny monster, don't overestimate yourself!"

Speaking casually, August took out a long sword, directly blocking it in front of him.

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