0: the start

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"Where is he?!" I bellowed, my voice echoing through the corridors of the messy frat house. I stormed past the frat brothers, lounging in the living room, their faces frozen in surprise as they looked up from their games. I didn't have time for niceties or explanations. My friend had been hurt, and I needed answers.

Ignoring their questioning stares, I continued my determined march, making a big pretense of searching for the culprit who had made my friend cry. The atmosphere in the living room shifted as whispers followed me, and I could feel the weight of their curiosity. But I couldn't be bothered with their speculation; I focused on finding the one responsible and setting things right.

"Who?" one of the frat brothers dared to ask, his eyes wide with curiosity. My gaze shifted to Yeonjun, the quiet friend who trailed behind me, his expression urging me not to cause a scene. But loyalty ran deep, and as my best friend's protector, I couldn't let anyone mess with them without consequences.

Yeonjun sighed reluctantly, and the name escaped his lips, "Jung Wooyoung." The air seemed tense as I looked at the frat brothers, searching for any sign of recognition or guilt on their faces. The revelation hung heavily in the room as a weighty silence settled over everyone as they processed the information.

The frat brothers exchanged glances, some expressions revealing familiarity with the name while others betrayed confusion. I clenched my fists," Jung Wooyoung, who is he?" I demanded, my patience wearing thin. Yeonjun, sensing my escalating frustration, attempted to pull me back by my shoulder. "This is stupid, San; let's just go," he suggested, concern etched on his face. I shook off his grip with determination. "No, we're going to find him."

Scanning the room, I felt a surge of anticipation as someone walked in. A familiar face, one of the frat brothers I recognized from my Science class, jumped up as if caught in the act. "That's Wooyoung!" he blurted out, pointing at the medium-sized boy with long brown hair.

I narrowed my eyes, mixed anger and determination coursing through me. The room held its breath, and I made my way toward Jung Wooyoung, "Who the fuck are you?" Wooyoung asked, a mocking expression on his face. I chuckled bitterly before swiftly grabbing a fistful of his shirt, pulling him close to my face, and locking eyes with him. "You're worst nightmare," I retorted.

Wooyoung laughed at me, dismissing my words. "You think I'm joking?" I yelled into his face, feeling hands attempting to pry us apart. Ignoring the interference, I held on tighter. "You hurt my friend, so I'll hurt you."

"I would like to see," Wooyoung smugly retorted, a smirk on his lips.


"Ouch!" I winced in pain, taking the ice bag from Yeonjun so he could stop dabbing it on my eye. "You're hurting me," I protested, shifting away from him on the bed. All it took was one good swing, and the fight ended with me nursing a black eye. I made sure to leave my mark too, busting his lips. However, Yeonjun seemed indifferent, maintaining a quiet demeanor on the way home.

"Talk to me," I urged, shifting to face the blue-haired male. He rolled his eyes in response, indicating he wasn't in the mood for conversation. "Yeojun," I pressed, using his full name in an attempt to get through to him.

"That was so embarrassing; why couldn't you just leave it alone?" Yeonjun finally spoke. I sighed, falling backward onto the bed and staring at the popcorn ceiling. "I'm the bad guy for wanting to protect you," I said, my tone almost questioning. I couldn't fathom how I was in the wrong. 

Yeonjun sighed, his expression softening. "I don't need to be protected, San."

I sat up, determined to defend my actions. "But I promised-"

Yeonjun cut me off, sighing. "I know, you gotta let me live and learn." I groaned, acknowledging that Yeonjun was right. I couldn't shield him from every challenge, even if it involved dealing with frat fuckboys who enjoyed playing with other's emotions.

As a comfortable silence settled in our shared bedroom, Yeonjun's phone rang. "Who is that?" I asked, unable to resist my nosy nature, earning a disapproving tsk from Yeonjun. I observed as his frown slowly transformed into a smile. "Wooyoung. He apologized and said he wanted to see me."

"Please tell me you aren't going to see him," I pleaded, watching as Yeonjun typed on his phone. Frustrated, I dramatically fell backward on my bed. "Yeonjun, you worry me!"

"Then stop worrying!" Yeonjun retorted, sliding his phone into his pocket. As he walked to his side of the room, I observed him spraying on cologne before pulling on a black hoodie. "I'll be back," he stated before leaving me alone in the room with a black eye.

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