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i change the ending so now forward there will be major changes in the story. do you like it now? spam me with feedback it motivates me to update faster

As I pulled up to my house, the unexpected sight of cars lined up in front of it made me pause. Glancing over at Yeonjun, who smile big in excitement , I couldn't help but ask, "What's going on?" My curiosity was piqued, waiting for his explanation. Fumbling with his seatbelt, Yeonjun finally confessed, "I might have invited the group chat over because I told them what happened."

"Wow, you move fast," I remarked, genuinely surprised by his quick actions.

Stepping out of my car, I was greeted by a mix of three girls and guys, none of whom seemed to share any obvious commonalities. As Yeonjun introduced me, I couldn't help but wonder what each of them could possibly contribute to our current predicament.

Then came Chanhee, the smaller guy with a beanie, greeting me with a smile that seemed too friendly for our first encounter. "Wait...I've never seen you before? Our school is small, so am I just blind, or are you a hermit?"

Before I could answer, Yeonjun jumped in, "He's a hermit."

Chanhee's response was a playful wink. "Well, I hope to see more of you." His words caught me off guard, sending an unexpected blush across my cheeks. Quickly regaining my composure, I led our unexpected company inside, wondering what this new interaction could possibly lead to.

Once everyone was seated, the room filled with discussions led mainly by Yeonjun about the recent events. Chuu, the girl with pigtails, didn't hold back her disdain, recalling how Wooyoung had cheated on her with Kevin. "He has no shame," she declared, a sentiment echoed by Kevin, who, standing up, added, "He's so fucking crazy, I think he did that with Chuu and me."

Attempting to bring some balance to the conversation, I mentioned, "He apologized." Yet, this only seemed to fuel the group's animosity. Changbin, the buff guy who had his own complex history with Wooyoung, including a fallout from Wooyoung's frat, remarked bitterly, "Sorry is just a word to him. But don't worry, he'll be truly sorry after we're done with him. He's a devil."

Lia, Wooyoung's former tutor and lover, pondered aloud, "What made him like this?" She had ended things upon realizing she was being used. The conversation then shifted to Wooyoung's supposed rationale for his actions, a narrative I wasn't familiar with. "What sad story?" I asked, genuinely clueless.

Yeonjun filled me in on Wooyoung's claim of being incapable of love due to 'daddy issues,' a story met with skepticism and groans from the group. Chanhee started to criticize Wooyoung's lavish lifestyle funded by his father but was cut off by my phone ringing. Seeing Wooyoung's name flash on the screen caused a collective gasp. "Back up, back up, I'm gonna answer it," I said, urging for some space as I sank into my chair and put Wooyoung on speaker.

"Hi?" I greeted, a bit tensely. Wooyoung's voice, clear and slightly anxious, came through, "San, hey."

"Hi, what's up? Are you okay?" I asked, trying to keep the mood light despite the tension in the room.

"Yeah," Wooyoung started, hesitating before admitting, "No, I feel guilty about today."

"Why?" I laughed, trying to downplay the situation. "I understand that you didn't want to hang out with me."

"It's not that, I'd rather hang out with you," Wooyoung confessed, revealing a vulnerability that seemed to catch everyone off guard.

San couldn't help but laugh at the turn the conversation had taken. "What do you even mean by that? Did you not have fun with both of your dates?"

"You stalking me?" Wooyoung shot back with a tease, lightening the mood momentarily.

"You wished. I feel bad that you were taking them to a place that everyone goes to for Valentine's Day," I retorted, earning surprised glances from Kevin and Yeonjun. They seemed to be reassessing how much game I had. Wooyoung's laughter filled the speaker, "Where were you going to take me?"

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