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Going back to school on Monday after recovering on Sunday from the wild night of Saturday was a walk in the park. I was thankful for Yeonjun taking care of me yesterday because I barely could've gone back to sleep without crying about my stomach. As someone who barely drinks, I shouldn't have consumed so much, but you know, YOLO.

It was my last semester, and I was rightfully allowed to go to the max at least one last time, especially before finals. Seeing Chaeyoung first, who was with a group of friends staring at me with interest and checking me out, I couldn't help but feel a little self-conscious. It was a hot day in March, so I opted out my usual long sleeve shirts for one of Yeonjun's shirts I'd found because it matched my shoes perfectly.

She walked up to me and greeted me with a smile, "Doing okay?"

"Yeah, I feel much better. Here's your shirt," I said, handing her a gift bag containing her shirt and a replacement one. She pulled out the shirt and noticed the size difference. "It's okay, thank you, San," she said gratefully.

I nodded before heading to my class, catching sight of Chanhee near the tree by the buildings I was heading to. I nodded at him, and he returned the gesture with a smile, blowing a kiss at me, causing me to blush. I was glad that we had decided to just have a flirty friendship and wouldn't mind hooking up again.

I groaned in frustration as I checked my phone, only to find an email from the teacher stating that the class had been cancelled. Great, I thought to myself.

Deciding to head to the art department, knowing Wooyoung would likely be there, I mentally prepared myself to face him. Upon arriving at his studio, I found him sitting with a guy I didn't recognize. They both looked up as I entered, and Wooyoung's gaze immediately fell to the floor.

"Hey," I greeted awkwardly, "my class was canceled, and I know we had our session."

The unfamiliar guy began to stand up, but Wooyoung quickly reached out to hold his arm. "I'll just see you at home. Go do your project," the guy strokes his hair then looks at me  with a smirk before leaving the room.

The silence that followed was palpable, and I knew I had to break it. "Who was that?" I asked, trying to sound nonchalant.

Wooyoung met my gaze squarely. "None of your business," he replied curtly.

"Why are you treating me this way?" I demanded, crossing my arms.

"Because you don't get it," Wooyoung replied, standing up and beginning to clean his space.

"Get what?" I pressed, frustration bubbling inside me. "Did I do anything wrong?" But Wooyoung remained silent as he cleaned, and I followed him to the sink, watching him wash his paintbrushes. "Wooyoung," I called out again.

He turned off the water and stared at me blankly. "I lied to you," he admitted.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confusion evident in my voice.

"I was just playing with you, and now I feel bad," Wooyoung confessed, and I couldn't help but snort in disbelief. "I'm not stupid."

"Yes, you are," Wooyoung shot back,  trying to press the narrative on me. like it was an uno reverse card "You really think I would like you? Be fucking for real."

I stared at him, refusing to let his words hurt me. "I hate to say this, but I don't believe you," I replied, turning around to maintain my composure. I remembered his vulnerability the other night, his admission of fear. "You're just trying to hurt me because you're scared."

"I'm not fucking scared," Wooyoung retorted, his glare almost breaking his facade. "I was just playing with you to get to Yeonjun."

"Well, you didn't do a great job because I don't have feelings for you," I confessed, truthfully. Wooyoung's eyes softened for a moment, but then hardened again as he pushed me away. "Then why are you in my face?"

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