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unedited but comment i like to hear from everyone!

When when wooyoung was done for the day, i quickly pick up my bag and swung it on my shoulder. I then look at my phone realizing that it was after 5 and yeonjun should be home and had took the car, so it leads to me having to take a bus."just text me when you need me again." i muttered turning my phone off and look at wooyoung who was cleaning his space.

"Yeah, maybe next monday same time." wooyoung says, putting his jacket on. I nod and turn  to leave  but wooyoung calls my name. I look at him," what?"

"you need a ride." he asked, walking to me. i politely declined his offer, i had enough of him today.

"thanks, i'm fine." i said as we leave out the studio into the hallway, wooyoung turns off the lights and lock, and i waited for him. wooyoung looked at me confuse, and he wasn't the only one. I continue to walk.

"you sure." wooyoung says, flashing his keys a part of me wonder why he's even offering. it's not like he's a nice person. there's more to it and i'm curious to know what it is.

"fine." i breathe out and wooyoung smiles , which felt devious and thens to lead and i follow him out the building.

"see i can be nice." wooyoung says as if he was in my dead conversion, and i rolled my eyes," why can't we just be nice to each other."

"You're always starting something." i say, and wooyoung giggles," i'm starting to think you like getting a reaction out of me."

wooyoung looks back at me and deadpans," you just realize that." and i didn't think twice but flick my middle finger at him when he wasn't looking to turn his car on.

wooyoung opens the door for me,"thanks." i muttered, sitting inside and look at the nice car. it was different from the one from last time. wooyoung enters the car and start the engine after putting his seat belt on. I put mine to and sat there in silence mixed of being tired from my long day and following the plan that i feel like i'm failing at because of my low patience, i steal a glance at wooyoung who began to drive on the street.

"You're staring again," Wooyoung, with his charismatic grin, remarks, this time with a playful tone rather than his usual scowl. "I must be that handsome."

"You're alright," I reply casually, unable to ignore the charm that radiates from him, prompting him to scoff but with a smile still lingering on his face as he steals a glance at me. "So, you're agreeing then," he teases.

"No, I said you're okay," I correct him, though I can't deny that if Wooyoung didn't have his magnetic personality, I might have considered him handsome.

"Hey, are you heading to that party?" Wooyoung asks casually as he starts the engine, his tone lighter now that we're on the move.

"Yeah, i might,"

"With Yeonjun?" Wooyoung inquires, his curiosity getting the better of him.

I stared at Wooyoung, my expression unreadable, causing him to burst into laughter. "Of course you are, you're his bodyguard," he joked, amused by his own wit.

"I'm not his fucking bodyguard," I muttered,  my patience wearing thin as I glance out the window, silently pointing towards my house, though Wooyoung is already well-acquainted with its location.

As we approach my house, I'm about to remind him of our destination, but before I can utter a word, Wooyoung beats me to it. "See you at the party then," he says with a wink.

"Hmm, let's hope not," I tease in response, a hint of sarcasm in my tone as I leave the car. I closed the car door behind me with a gentle click, eager to head inside and unwind after a tiring day. Turning towards my house, I noticed the front door was already open, revealing the familiar figure of Soobin, the same guy from my class.

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