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comment and like! sorry it's a bit short and unedited. i had an art show to attend to -yeah i'm an arts major lol

As I slid into the car, Yeonjun's gaze met mine, his eyes brimming with sorrow. "How did it-"

Before I could muster a reply, sobs tore through me, raw and unguarded. Yeonjun sighed my name, a world of sadness in his voice, as I buried my face in my hands, overwhelmed by a torrent of emotions. It felt pathetic, realizing the pain was self-inflicted — a consequence of letting my guard down, of caring too deeply, only to be jolted back to a harsh reality. My actions had caused harm, and the weight of this guilt was crushing.

Yeonjun's hand found my back, offering solace as he peppered his apologies with promises, "I'll apologize to Wooyoung, too. It was my emotions getting the better of me. I'm so sorry, San, for pulling you into this mess." As he ignited the engine, his voice softened, "You've been such a steadfast friend, and I'll do whatever it takes to make Wooyoung see reason-"

"No, it's best I just leave him," I managed between sniffles, dabbing at my tears. "He's made it clear he wants nothing to do with me. I'll respect his wishes."

"San..." Yeonjun's voice held a hint of a pout as he paused at a red light.

"I'd rather not talk about it anymore," I whispered, a resolve settling over me. "In a month, I'll graduate and start a new chapter in my life."

Understanding flickered in Yeonjun's eyes as he nodded, silently agreeing to leave the topic untouched. Yet, a part of me yearned for him to bring Wooyoung up again.

Back home, nestled in the solitude of my room, regret gnawed at me. Perhaps I should have fought harder for Wooyoung and begged him to reconsider. As I lay there, thoughts swirling, I realized that my feelings had deepened profoundlyin just two weeks —not obsession, but genuine, heartfelt love. I loved him.

Beneath that tough exterior lay the real him — a person of kindness and infectious joy. It began to dawn on me why others so loved him. The pang of missing him was immediate; I found myself gazing at our photos, stumbling upon adorable selfies he had taken. As I reminisced over each captured moment, a longing led me to Instagram, hoping to glimpse his current world. Yet, his profile was nowhere to be found. A sinking feeling took hold as I feared the worst. To confirm my suspicions, I navigated to our direct messages and clicked on his profile. My fears were confirmed: he had indeed blocked me.

Amidst this heartache, a new notification appeared — Jimin had sent me a direct message.

Jimin: I don't know what you did to wooyoung, but I fixed it

jimin: what did you do? He's having a meltdown. san help he's at the school studio

Jimin: you're a fucking bitch; you don't fool wooyoung, but you fool me. I thought you were right for my brother, but is that part of your plan?

Jimin: when I see you, it's on sight!

wooyoung Pov

"There!"jimin yells, on his phone, and he turns to me, "When I see that -Or just any of them little shits, they are goi-"

"jimin," I grumble, but Jimin continues to rant about everything he would do to everyone who participated, tearing me down; maybe a sorry wasn't all they wanted, and I deserve this.

I felt embarrassed allowing myself to open myself to San, but I was glad it ended sooner than later. Maybe I don't deserve a chance for love, as I'm too worn down and broken. Is it even worth healing when I'm just an easy joke to everyone? "Just stop talking about it." I said washing my bloodied hands, and dried them .

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