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(i might take a posting break, so comment and like!!)

Waking up with an aching headache in a room that wasn't my own but was unmistakably Wooyoung's, I searched for him beside me, only to find the bed empty. Patting my pocket for my phone, I was interrupted by the sudden urge to jolt up from the bed and rush out of the room in search of a bathroom. I found one, but it was clean no more—vomit now adorned its pristine surface.

"Aw, I just cleaned there," someone remarked as they walked past.

"Sorry!" I called out before retching again. "I'll clean it."

"Wooyoung, your boytoy is sick," someone else called out, a comment that made me feel objectified and uneasy. I wasn't just some toy—I hunched over to throw up again, and Wooyoung came running to my aid. I pushed him away. "I'm good."

"Are you sure? Need aspirin?" he asked, concern evident in his voice."here's a new toothbrush." wooyoung says and i take it as I walk to the sink.

"You do this for all your other toys?" I retorted, feeling a surge of frustration.

Wooyoung's expression darkened. "Who said that to you?"

"It doesn't matter," I muttered, rinsing my mouth out at the sink.

"You're right, because it's not what you are to me," Wooyoung said, but his choice of words only served to irritate me further. I gave a dry response before retreating back to his room, and he followed behind.

"I'm not using you, San," Wooyoung insisted, closing the door behind us. "I told them how I felt about you, and I don't understand why they're trying to ruin things."

"They aren't," I replied simply, rubbing my temple. "Can we not fight over nothing and just... take me home?"

"Do you still like me?" Wooyoung asked, lying down on his bed.

I gave him a tired thumbs-up, feeling too exhausted to deal with this conversation right now.

Wooyoung's pout melts into a mischievous grin as he bounds onto the bed beside me, throwing a leg over mine. I let out a groan of protest, but he fixes me with a pleading gaze. "Say it."

"Say what?" I feign ignorance, though I already know what he's after.

"Say you still like me," he urges, pressing a gentle kiss to my collarbone.

"Such a baby," I tease, though I can't help but smile as he inches closer, his lashes grazing my chin with butterfly kisses. . "AKA you're a baby, so say it," Wooyoung shook his shoulders, whining.

His antics made me laugh, and I realized how harsh and insecure I had been. "I love you," I confessed.

Wooyoung tensed up, looking at me intently. "Wait, say that again."

"Again," I agreed, and Wooyoung nodded eagerly. "Again," he pleaded.

"I like you -"

"No, you said 'love.' You love me," Wooyoung interrupts, his tone accusing.

I furrow my eyebrows, uncertain. "I did?"

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