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"Couldn't stop thinking about me? Wooyoung, what are you saying?" I said, raising an eyebrow as Wooyoung dryly laughs. "I'm just joking, chill."

"Oh, I was about to say," I trailed off, contemplating whether I should press for more. But he looked at me, silently urging me to continue. "I felt the same way, because of the kiss."

"Lol, was I your first or something?" Wooyoung snorted, earning a glare from me. "You wish."

Wooyoung got to work, measuring me as I watched him assess my arm. His thumb grazed over my small skull tattoo. "Your personality doesn't match your tattoos."

"You say that as if you know me," I countered with a hint of sarcasm, and he met my gaze. "Then allow me to."

"Why should I give you another chance?" I hummed, and Wooyoung cupped my cheek with one hand, brushing his thumb over my bottom lip. "I feel something," he admitted. Suppressing an eye roll at Wooyoung's sentimentality, I let him continue. "And I'm attracted to you."

I moved his hand off my lips and stared at him. "I'm not joking," Wooyoung insisted. I let out a noncommittal hum. "Just give me a chance."

"Why should I?" I challenged, and Wooyoung grinned. "Because I'm not a player."

"What about Yeonjun?" I pressed, and Wooyoung's expression softened. "How would he feel?"

"Well, first, how do you feel about me?" Wooyoung's question caught me off guard, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "That's beside the point, Wooyoung," I retorted, not in the mood for sentimental discussions.

"Yeonjun and I didn't vibe. We shared nothing in common but—"

"But what?" I cut him off, raising an eyebrow in disbelief. Wooyoung shrugged, a smirk playing on his lips as he continued, "But I feel like we could." His gaze flickered down to our intertwined hands, his tough guy facade momentarily slipping.

Copying a move straight out of the K-drama playbook Yeonjun and I had watched the night before, I grabbed Wooyoung's chin with my free hand, forcing him to meet my gaze. "Is this how you ask others out?" I quipped, adding a touch of snark to my tone.

"No," Wooyoung shot back

"Do you want to go on a date?" I asked, cutting through the tension. Wooyoung's response was gruff but genuine. "Yeah, I would," he admitted, his tough exterior cracking just a bit under my gaze.

I couldn't resist poking fun at him, surprised by his straightforwardness. "I'm surprised you didn't say 'just joking,'" I teased, a smirk playing on my own lips as I awaited his reaction.


As I stepped through the front door, I flicked on the lights in the living room, my heart pounding with excitement. "Yeonjun!" I called out eagerly, not wanting to waste a moment before sharing the good news with him. Texting felt too impersonal, and besides, I was too jittery to trust myself not to type the wrong number in my haste.

I can't believe how quickly Wooyoung has 'fallen' for me, I think to myself, shaking my head in disbelief as I made my way upstairs in search of Yeonjun, only to find his absence.

With a resigned sigh, I turned my attention to the chaos of my bed, strewn with the remnants of the morning rush. Slowly, methodically, I began to tidy up, the familiar motions offering a sense of calm amid the whirlwind of emotions.

As I smoothed the final corner of my bedsheet, the door burst open, and Yeonjun swept into the room like a whirlwind of excitement. He launched himself onto my back, catching me mid-fluff with a pillow. "Bear hug!" he declared, his infectious energy filling the room.

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