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a year later

As I scanned the crowd of jubilant students dressed in blue gowns, my eyes locked with someone unexpected - Wooyoung. His expression almost softened into a smile before it quickly turned into a frown, and he briskly turned away. Startled, I felt a hand on my shoulder, causing me to whirl around to see Yeonjun, who urged me, "Go to him, he asked about you earlier."

I didn't have time to be shock, wondering why Yeonjun is now just telling me about this. I look over to see wooyoung was gone and I start looking for him now.

Chasing after Wooyoung through the bustling crowd, I finally caught up with him, calling out his name with a mixture of apprehension and longing.

Stopping in his tracks, Wooyoung approached me, a letter in hand, his expression a curious blend of amusement and disdain. "You've been served," he declared smugly, thrusting the letter into my trembling hands.

Confusion gripped me as I glanced down at the unexpected document. "For what?" I inquired, bewildered by the sudden turn of events.

"You're book you recently released, was it about me?" Wooyoung's voice was sharp as he confronted me, and I could only nod in response. He snorted, "We dated for a month, and you faked half of it."

"Only 75 percent of it," I corrected, but his glare intensified.

"You're still not over me," Wooyoung stated, and I found myself nodding in agreement.

"I'm not, and I wish 'sorry' was enough," I whispered.

"That's why I'm suing," Wooyoung declared in a matter-of-fact tone, sighing. "How much are you suing me for?"

"Talk to my lawyer," Wooyoung said, turning around. As he started to walk away, I impulsively reached out, grabbing him by his waist for a brief moment before letting go, apologizing,"Sorry hold on."

Wooyoung arched his eyebrow, questioning, "What now?"

"Why did you read my stories?" I asked, to which Wooyoung simply shrugged, replying, "Everyone talked about you."

"But nothing in the book made it obvious it was about -"

"Fine, I missed you," Wooyoung interrupted, and a smile involuntarily crept onto my face. "I shouldn't, but as you can see, I have bad taste in men."

"Let me redeem myself, Woo," I pleaded, to which he pressed his lips together in a thin line. "Can I have a second honest chance with you?"

"I was going to make you beg, but kiss me already," Wooyoung declared, jumping forward. I couldn't help but smile.

"But kisses don't fix our problems," I quoted him.

"I forgave you, after a long time and many therapy sessions. I just hope you are genuine," Wooyoung finally admitted."I still have trust issues, but apart of me trust that you can show me love, even if it's not real."

"I promise you, my love for you is real. I want to be with you and fall in love with you again," I declared, taking Wooyoung's hand and gazing at him with wide eyes. "Wooyoung, would you go out with me?"

Wooyoung nodded, and I smiled, asking, "Can I kiss-" Before I could finish, Wooyoung grabbed me by the collar and kissed me, a gentle yet meaningful gesture that spoke volumes.

I held him tight and kissed him gently, whispering, "Thank you for giving me another chance."

"Other people gave another chance, so I'm working on doing that, starting with you... and then my mother," Wooyoung explained. I nodded, pecking his lips again, and assured him, "And I'll be by your side."

Our moment was abruptly interrupted when I felt a kick on my leg. Wincing in pain, I looked down to see who had kicked me. In front of me stood a 7-year-old Woojin, posed in a karate stance. "You hurt my brother, so I hurt you," he declared, throwing punches at me. I took the hits like a champ, while Wooyoung tried to intervene. "Woojin, it's okay. I forgave San," Wooyoung reassured his little brother. Woojin glared at me, warning, "There's more of that if you hurt him again."

"Got it," I replied, watching as Woojin walked away. "I need to learn how to fight," I remarked, turning to Wooyoung, who chuckled. "My dad was a black belt."

"How does he feel about me?" I asked nervously. Wooyoung sighed, "Not so happy, but we'll work on it."

"I won't disappoint you," I promised. Wooyoung threw his arm around my shoulders as we walked across the field, ready to face the consequences of my actions but thankful to have a second chance.

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