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Yeonjun's recount of his night with Wooyoung only fueled my growing dislike for him. "Wooyoung even-" I groaned loudly, cutting off Yeonjun's babbling mid-sentence as I steered the car wheels to the left. "I can't believe you think the guy who gave me a black eye is charming."

I shot a pointed look at Yeonjun, hoping he would remember the previous day's events. Yeonjun huffed in response, "You started it."

"Yeojun," I yelled in frustration. "San, you did!" Yeonjun reminded me of the truth, inadvertently exposing the plot to show Wooyoung that he shouldn't mess with Yeonjun's feelings.

"Whatever, what are y'all? Dating?" I asked bluntly as I drove us to the university.

Yeonjun glanced at me, a hint of discomfort in his expression. "No, it's not like that. We're just talking."

I never understood that stage of dating. To me, it's either I like them or not. I feared Yeonjun was falling into that Fuck Boy's trap, and he would only end up hurting him again. Deciding not to meddle anymore, I just shrugged and pulled into the university's parking lot.

I can't always protect him.

Exiting the car, Yeonjun and I made our way to the main campus together, our footsteps echoing in sync. As we left the parking garage, I regretted not choosing a spot closer to the main campus. As the sun beat down relentlessly, its rays feel like a scorching 90 degrees on your head.

"It's so hot," Yeonjun commented as we walked onto the main campus. I nodded in agreement as we ascended, mindful that our school was, unfortunately, situated on a mountain. "At least we're getting our steps in," I told a joke, but the blue-haired art major didn't catch it. I sighed, letting my humor go to waste.

Eventually, we arrived at class a few minutes early, giving me a moment to prepare before it started. Yeonjun left my side and went into the hallway. I watched him go and noticed him being hugged by someone. They pulled away, and I let out a small grunt when I realized that I was too far away to identify them. Our eyes met, and he gave me a small smile and wave.

Yeonjun looked back at me, awkwardly smiling. I smiled back, only to see his expression falter when I discreetly gave them the middle finger. They must be crazy to think I'd accept Wooyoung after he punched me in the eye.

The two continued to focus on each other, and I redirected my attention to preparing for the history class. I took out my laptop and notebook, readying myself for the lesson. When Yeonjun returned to the classroom and moved to sit next to me, he began, "Can you-"

"No," I interrupted Yeonjun, cutting him off before he could ask. "You can like him, but I won't. He's an asshole," I reminded Yeonjun sternly. Yeonjun had attended Wooyoung's frat party a few nights ago as his plus-one, only to be ditched the whole night so Wooyoung could be with someone else. With that information, Wooyoung was deemed an asshole until proven otherwise.

"I've forgiven him, and it's not like we were dating," Yeonjun told me, as if the day before, he hadn't been crying in the morning, expressing his hatred for Wooyoung and regretting giving his virginity to him. I decided not to bring it up as the teacher arrived to start the class.

But I couldn't help but wonder why Yeonjun had such a firm grip on this young guy, especially when he could find someone better to treat him right. I repeatedly reminded myself that it was his life, and I couldn't always protect him. Slouching in my chair, I focused on jotting down notes from the teacher's lesson, attempting to shift my thoughts away from my friend's complicated situation.

When class was over, Yeonjun and I went our separate ways - he had another class, and I had some free time before my literature class began. I decided to walk to the school's commuters' lounge to meet up with my group of friends who usually gathered there during this time of day. As I approached, I found them huddled around the tallest member, Yunho, watching something on the phone.

I crept behind them, silently placing my arms on two of their shoulders and standing in the middle, peering at the screen. The sudden appearance caught them off guard, "What are you watching?" I asked, my eyes fixed on the video playing on Yunho's phone. It was footage from the frat house, and as I watched, it became evident that it was the moment when Wooyoung had punched me. I snatched the phone from Yunho's hands, my frustration escalating. "Give me this; where is this posted?"

I clicked on the video to find that one of the frat brothers had posted it on their Instagram story, captioning it: "Wooyoung still got it." The anger within me intensified as I realized the incident had been shared for everyone to see, turning a private matter into a public spectacle.

"What the hell?" I yelled, and Hongjong looked at me, concern evident in his eyes, mainly focused on my black eye. "Why'd you get in a fight?" he asked.

"Because the little shit hurt Yeonjun," I exclaimed, the passion in my voice reflecting the protective instinct I felt towards my friend. His friends all chorused an 'o' in unison. They knew how fiercely I acted when it came to Yeonjun.

"He only got one good hit from me," I assured them, feeling a twinge of embarrassment.

"Wow, that's crazy," Yunho, the bleach-haired guy, breathed out, taking his phone from me and placing it in his pocket. "I guess you aren't going to that party." He looked at me with a sly grin, and I glared at him for even suggesting the idea. The last thing on my mind was attending a party, especially one hosted by an asshole.

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