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jinout: didn't wooyoung use to date your best friend?
jinout: it's fucking werid how suddenly you guys are together
jinout: i see you reading my messages



"San, are you okay?" Wooyoung's voice cut through my haze of thoughts as he slid into the booth next to me. I hastily put my phone away, aware of Jimin and Yoongi's curious glances. I managed a smile, though it felt more like a grimace.

"Yeah, I'm okay," I said, trying to sound convincing. Truth was, the text message had left me rattled. Who was that guy? Wooyoung's brow furrowed in concern, "Okay."

"Hey, I am," I insisted, poking his side to lighten the mood. It worked; he laughed, a genuine sound that eased the tension. "Fine, fine," he conceded, grabbing my hand to gently stop me.

After our visit to the museum had sparked an appetite, we collectively decided on a restaurant that came highly recommended by Jimin and Wooyoung. It was a diner with a retro American theme, renowned for its delectable milkshakes. We placed our orders and settled into a comfortable wait for our food.

"So, when are you guys leaving?" Jimin inquired, hastily adding, "Not that I'm trying to kick y'all out or anything."

Wooyoung shot him a teasing look. "It's giving that vibe, though," he said with a chuckle, easing the moment. "Tomorrow," he finally answered.

"Aw, okay, let's make the most of today then," Jimin proposed, and I found myself nodding in agreement, the earlier unease slowly melting away in the warmth of friends and the promise of a day filled with joy.

As the waitress approached our table, she placed Wooyoung's usual order of chicken tenders and fries in front of him, and my hamburger in front of me.

"You really got chicken tenders? I thought you said you were going to try something different," Jimin teased his brother, eyeing the plate with mock disappointment.

Wooyoung just rolled his eyes, a smirk playing on his lips. "Obviously, I lied," he retorted before taking a satisfying bite out of his chicken tender.

"My baby brother," Jimin affectionately chided.

"Hey, I'm not a baby," Wooyoung protested, slightly waving his chicken tender at Jimin in mock threat, then turned to me with a playful, "Shush!"

"What did I do?" I laughed, well aware of the reason behind his shushing but deciding not to join in the teasing.

Wooyoung went back to enjoying his meal, a look of contentment on his face. That's all that mattered. Soon, the waitress brought over our milkshake in a large glass cup. Unsure if I'd like it, Wooyoung had ordered one for us to share, and I had a glass of water on the side just in case.

The cup came with two straws, both wrapped in paper. We unwrapped them and took a sip simultaneously, accidentally locking eyes in the process. My cheeks flushed with warmth, and I felt a sudden shyness. I pulled away to contemplate the strawberry-flavored milkshake.

"I like it," I admitted after a moment, and Wooyoung set the cup down with a satisfied, "I knew you would."

Then, without warning, Wooyoung wiped the corner of my mouth with his thumb, casually licking the cream off his finger afterwards. The gesture caught me off guard, leaving me not disgusted but oddly intrigued.

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