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unedited but please comment and like. i wanna hear your thoughts!

A cycle is like a recurring loop, a pattern that repeats itself over and over again. In relationships, it's the same old story playing out time and time again. With Mingyu, it's no different. Our relationship follows a familiar pattern: conflict, reconciliation, and then back to square one.

I tried to break free from this toxic cycle, but it only took three days for me to find myself back in Mingyu's arms. A simple kiss, an "I love you," and just like that, I was wrapped around his finger again. It's frustrating how easily I fall back into the same old routine, unable to break free from the cycle of emotional manipulation. Despite my efforts to resist, I feel powerless to escape Mingyu's hold on me.

It was the only way, I thought, to forget about him, about San. Mingyu was here to fill the void, to wash away the pain and create new memories. As we kissed, Mingyu nibbled my bottom lip, whispering "I love you" between each kiss before pulling away. But then he flipped me onto my stomach, catching me off guard. The way we made love was completely different from...

"Are you crying?" Mingyu's voice interrupted my thoughts, pulling me back to reality.

I covered my face, allowing the sobs to escape as Mingyu cursed softly. "You're not ready," he stated, his frustration evident. My tears fell freely, overwhelmed by the mere thought of San.

"Fuck, I'm going to kill him," Mingyu muttered angrily, clearly agitated by my emotional outburst.

"I-I'm sorry," I choked out between sobs, but Mingyu simply walked out of the room, leaving me alone with my turmoil. Anger washed over me, and I lashed out, hitting my bed with my fist. "fuck," I muttered bitterly, the pain of heartbreak and betrayal consuming me once again.
Mingyu reenters the room, his jacket hanging loosely on his shoulders, his expression unreadable. I sit up, my eyes still wet with tears, and ask softly, "Where are you going?"

"I'll be back," he replies quietly, his gaze lingering on me with a mix of concern and guilt. He crosses the room to where I sit, planting a gentle kiss on my lips. But as he pulls away, I can't help but feel the distance between us. "I don't like seeing you cry," he murmurs, his voice heavy with regret. I swallow the bitter taste in my mouth and nod silently as he whispers, "Stay here."

I watch him leave, the weight of his absence settling heavily on my chest. Alone in his room, I wrap Sans' shirt around me, seeking solace in its familiar scent. With a shaky breath, I reach for my phone, a small act of rebellion against my own promise.

As I scroll through social media, my fingers trembling, I find myself impulsively unblocking him, a desperate attempt to bridge the chasm between us.

As I refresh his page, I see he hasn't been posting much, except for on his story. I let go of my pride and click into the story, watching pictures and videos of him partying and drinking with friends. One video catches my attention, and I feel stupid for falling for someone so quickly when I see him kissing Chanhee's neck.

I found  myself impulsively texting him," cute." sending it without thinking. san quickly texts me:

choisan1: hes not you
wolfyung: of course not, you don't deserve me
choisan1: i don't

San texts, and I watched him unsend his message which alway him to look like I was left unread. I feel a pang of something I can't quite name. "Thank you for showing me what love is," I send, my heart heavy with regret as I watch him read my message.

Before he can respond, I block him, the finality of the action settling over me like a shroud. It's time to let go, to find closure and move forward, even if it means facing the pain head-on.

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