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Usually, I don't have FOMO (fear of missing out) when it comes to parties, but the thought of Yeonjun going to that frat house alone made me feel uneasy. So, against my usual instincts, I dressed to attend this party that my friends were also attending. It was 8 o'clock, and I was almost done styling my hair in front of the mirror.

"You aren't going, right?" Yeonjun's eyes caught me through the mirror as he leaned against the door, and I smiled. "Of course I am."

Yeonjun sighed. "Please don't cause any problems." He pouted, and I softened a bit. "Fine, I'll chill out tonight," I caved in, agreeing to keep the peace for the night.

"I love you," Yeonjun said, smiling before leaving the bathroom. "I love you too," I called out, taking out my toothbrush to brush my teeth.

Suddenly, the sound of my phone ringing stops me from my action. I spit the paste out before picking up the phone. I could hear the loud music and boisterous laughter in the background, "we're outside!" Mingi yells.

I told him, 'Okay, I'm coming down,' before hanging up and placing my toothbrush back in the cabinet. As I headed downstairs, my attention was drawn to the slightly ajar front door. Intrigued, I approached it, only to witness an unexpected sight: Wooyoung and Yeonjun sharing a passionate kiss just outside. Shock and discomfort filled me, and not wanting to intrude on their moment, I coughed awkwardly to announce my presence.

The kiss ended, and Wooyoung greeted me with a smile. "Hey, we didn't leave or meet on good terms."

Silence hung in the air as I grappled with the unexpected encounter. Ignoring Wooyoung's attempts at conversation, I walked past them, leaving the awkward moment behind. A sense of betrayal lingered, wondering why Yeonjun hadn't given me a heads-up about Wooyoung's presence.

I walked to the car, the loud music pouring out of it. Opening the back door, I sat next to Seonghwa, Hongjoong, and Yeosang. Yunho took the wheel while Mingi played the passenger princess role.

"Hey, San," Yeosang greeted me, and we exchanged a quick handshake, a familiar greeting among friends, as we prepared for the night ahead. The car roared to life, the beats of the music setting the tone for the evening as we headed to the party.

Entering the party was like stepping into a whirlwind of sound and energy. The bass thumped through the floor, the chatter of people mingling, and the vibrant lights illuminating the space created a chaotic yet exhilarating atmosphere. I navigated through the crowd, making my way to the kitchen to grab some drinks.

In the kitchen, the scene was a bit more manageable. Cups, bottles, and laughter filled the space. As I reached for a drink, a frat boy with a distinctive perm greeted me, "Hey, you're the guy who was looking for Wooyoung, right?"

His words caught me off guard, and I nodded cautiously, wondering how my search for fuckboy had already become a topic of conversation. Properly, it's because you enter the house like a manic....right?

I rolled my eyes at the mention of Wooyoung, wondering how the news had spread so quickly. Determined to shake off the unexpected encounter, I set out to find my friends, realizing I had accidentally left them behind in the lively crowd.

Navigating through the crowds, the atmosphere was intense, with bodies dancing close together, and the air felt sticky and humid. In the early 2000s, music blared, adding to the party's energy. As I located my friends, I couldn't help but comment, "Their drink choices suck."

I handed my drink to Yeosang, inviting him to taste and share my sentiments about the less-than-impressive options available at the party. We should've pre-gamed!" Yeosang yelled over the music, and I nodded in agreement, taking another sip of my drink. It wasn't the best, but I was thirsty, so it was what it was. I hadn't come to the party to get drunk anyway.

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