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As we learned more about the Kims, old family friends of the Jungs, I discovered that the only son of the Kims was named Mingyu. He was 27, tall, handsome and had been married to his wife for three years. It was revealed that Mingyu and Wooyoung were close, although it didn't seem apparent due to Wooyoung's quiet demeanor.

We held hands until it was time to eat. The chef had prepared a mouthwatering Korean feast, filling the air with the tantalizing aroma of savory dishes and spicy delicacies. As we gathered around the table, I couldn't help but marvel at the spread before us, each dish a testament to the culinary mastery of the chef.

As we indulged in the delectable meal, Mingyu struck up a conversation with me, his voice carrying over the clinking of utensils and the hum of conversation. "So, San, what do you major in?" he asked, his gaze curious as he awaited my response.

Taking a moment to savor a bite of the flavorful bulgogi, I replied with a smile, "Literature, and I minor in journalism," I replied with a smile, noticing Wooyoung's nod of approval. However, I heard a scoff coming from Wooyoung as he ate. "You okay, Woo?" I asked, looking at him, and he smiled, nodding in response.

"My sister is a news anchor, hence why she couldn't be here. Hopefully, you can meet her next time," Mingyu said politely before I asked, "What do you do?"

Mingyu almost looked offended, and Wooyoung snickered. Suddenly, I regretted asking. "You're telling me you've never seen his face on commercials and billboards?" Wooyoung sarcastically asked, and I shook my head no, though he looked familiar.

"I am the CEO for Kimillion business," Mingyu said, glancing at his dad. "Well, co-CEO," he added with a smirk, and I nodded slightly, impressed. I was aware of the prestigious company; it wasn't exactly my style, but Yeonjun liked using it.

As dinner went on, the family moved to the living room, and I found myself sitting on the floor, playing Jenga with Wooyoung's brothers. I pulled a stick out slowly, hoping the tower wouldn't collapse. Woojin, the 6-year-old, watched me in amazement as I successfully managed to keep the Jenga tower intact.

"You're good at this," Wooyoung commented, pulling me by my waist onto his lap, which shocked me for a moment as it had never happened before. I just smiled and watched as Woojin took his turn on the Jenga tower.

As we continued to play, I couldn't shake the feeling of Mingyu's eyes on us. I tried not to let it bother me, but it was something I knew I would be discussing with Wooyoung later.

"How long have you two been dating?" Mingyu asked, and I felt Wooyoung's body tense up as the room grew quiet. What else did "special friend" mean, so of course, they shouldn't be shocked. Wooyoung tightened his grip on me. "A week," I answered.

"Mhm, that's good. I'm happy for you two. You guys are cute," Mingyu said smugly, before taking a sip of his wine.

"I haven't seen Wooyoung smile as much as he did today," his mother commented, looking at Mrs. Kim.

Jimin snorted teasingly. "Please, he barely smiled today."

"Well, when your family wasn't even supposed to be here but on a trip—"

"Wooyoung," I shot him a look, blushing. "Calm down," I said, hoping the conversation wouldn't stir up about the walk-in accident, especially with his little brother here.

"I'm tired, excuse me," Wooyoung said, and I moved off of him, guessing it was time to go upstairs. I stood up. "Thank you for dinner."

"Will you be here for breakfast, San?" Mr. Jung asked, and I looked at Wooyoung, who nodded. "He's staying for the spring break."

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