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After the molding process with Wooyoung was completed, I excused myself under the pretext of needing to use the bathroom. In reality, I wanted a moment alone to gather my thoughts and check on Yeonjun and the group chat. As I entered the isolated classroom in the art department, a cacophony of voices bombarded me, each demanding to know what had transpired.

"One at a time, please," I requested, raising my hand to quiet the group. Yeonjun, always eager for answers, was the first to speak up, his hand raised in anticipation.

"Why did you stop answering?" he asked, a mixture of curiosity and concern in his voice. With a sheepish expression, I retrieved the AirPod from my pocket, knowing their disappointment would be palpable.

"Sorry, you yelled in my ear, and besides, I don't think I need guidance," I explained, trying to reassure them that all was well, even though doubts still lingered in my mind.

"What's that on your arms?" Lia asked, scrunching her nose as she pointed. I glanced down at my greasy arms, realizing I hadn't cleaned off the Vaseline from the molding process. "It's Vaseline. He was molding my arms for the project," I explained, hoping to dispel any confusion.

The group murmured among themselves, processing the information, before Chanhee jumped in with the next question. "Did you guys kiss again?"

I shook my head firmly. "No, he doesn't want to, and I'm not going to press it," I replied, and Chaeyeong hummed thoughtfully before randomly sniffing my breath. "Your breath doesn't stink," she observed, catching me off guard. Unsure how to respond, I awkwardly muttered, "Thank you."

"I wonder why he doesn't want to kiss you," Kevin pouted, reminiscing about his own past experiences with Wooyoung. Lia chimed in, her tone teasing but serious, "Maybe that whole Yeonjun blurt creeped him out."

"I don't think so, but it doesn't matter because I don't want to become just another hookup for him. I have boundaries," I asserted firmly, eliciting groans from the group. Yeonjun whined, "You can't tease him just a little."

"I've been doing that," I defended myself.

"You're not trying hard enough. You're hot, use your hotness, gosh!" Chanhee urged, while Lia cheered, "Seduce him!"

Feeling annoyed with their exasperating suggestions, I slipped out of the closet and returned to the classroom to find Wooyoung cleaning up.

"Hey," I greeted as I entered the classroom, catching Wooyoung's attention. He smiled in response. "I went to the bathroom and didn't see you," he mentioned.

Thinking quickly, I offered an excuse. "Yeah, I went to the one upstairs because I was curious," I replied, hoping my answer sounded believable. Wooyoung nodded and continued cleaning up.

"San," he called out as he finished tidying up. I turned to face him. "Wanna eat together?"

"Sure," I agreed with a smile.

Wooyoung stowed away the rest of his art supplies in his storage closet and locked it before putting on his coat. "I want to take you to my favorite food place."

"Cool. I like trying new places," I replied, and we left the classroom together, walking side by side as Wooyoung led the way to his car.

As we walked out of the classroom, I couldn't help but notice the way Wooyoung's jacket hung effortlessly over his shoulders, his long strides matching the rhythm of his confident gait. The afternoon sun cast a warm glow on his features, highlighting his toned blonde hair, and asymmetrical, strong jawline face. his eyes was his best feature the way the become golden brown when the 6pm sunshine hits them. wooyoung catches me,"staring in silence." i blush, genuinely feeling caught in the act.

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