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author note: so again, for readers who read the original  3- 15 chapters. up until i say so, the scenarios are still the same idea but written differently ! also question do y'all like short chapters or long? i be feeling guilty submitting short chapters like this lol.

Walking into the kitchen, I directly asked my best friend, who was focused on cooking with his back turned to me, "Are you and wooyoung are official now?" I've been eager to ask him since he returned home an hour ago, especially since he's been unusually quiet. I watched his body stiffen, and Yeonjun turns to face me and scoffs, "Nope."

As I stand up, I study Yeonjun's expression, my fist instinctively curling up, "What happened?"

Yeonjun's eyes flicker to my hand, his demeanor softening as he waves me off, "Nothing, just got friendzoned," he admits, his voice cracking towards the end,"He just wants to be my friend."

"Yeonjun," I said, softening my tone as I unclenched my fist, but Yeonjun stopped me. "Chill, San, I'll be okay," he reassured me, though I could sense his distress. Taking a seat at the kitchen table, I listened as he let out a heavy sigh. "I've been disappointed before."

"You're too great of a guy to be treated like this," I said truthfully, pouting inwardly as I thought about how Wooyoung was never good for my friend anyway. Yeonjun needs a guy who cares, will do anything for him, and never hurt him. Someone like me but i know it could never be me.

"I wish Wooyoung could understand that. I gave him my fucking virginity just to be fucking friends," Yeonjun chuckled bitterly, and my hand clenched again.

"Do you want me to beat him up?" I asked, shaking my fist, but Yeonjun sternly replied, "No," in a serious tone.

"I did it to myself. I should've known he wasn't ever going to be relationship-ready," Yeonjun shrugged. "The crazy thing is that I still have hope." I tried my best not to roll my eyes at the thought of Yeonjun still wanting him.

"Why are you so into him? He's not all that," I said honestly, wondering why Yeonjun was so wrapped up in someone like that.

Yeonjun shrugged, "He's actually nice once you get to know him, he makes me feel good about myself, and the sex—"

"I don't need to hear that," I interrupted, covering my ears with my hands with wide alarmed eyes.

Yeonjun chuckled at my reaction and returned to cooking. "I just hope that, overall, if we're going to be friends, I might be able to change his mind."

"You can't turn a player into a boyfriend," I stated, and Yeonjun rolled his eyes. "San, I can change him."

"Okay," I replied, raising my hand in surrender, knowing deep down that changing someone like Wooyoung would be nearly impossible. I didn't want to argue with Yeonjun, so I let the matter drop.

At the end of the day, Yeonjun marches to his own beat. It's frustratingly clear that he's blind when it comes to crushes. He bends over backwards for them, hoping they'll reciprocate, and it's painful to watch him chase after all the wrong guys. Like the soccer team player from high school. The tutor from freshman year. And now Wooyoung. They all share one thing in common: they lead Yeonjun on. But I despise Wooyoung even more . Yeonjun entrusted him with something as precious as his virginity, and now it feels like he's thrown it away. It infuriates me to see him waste it on fuckboy like Wooyoung, knowing full well that even if Yeonjun tried to change him, Wooyoung would just use him.

Wooyoung says i don't know him, but i see through him. I know his kind, and i hate them.

"Dinner's ready—San?" Yeonjun's voice snaps me out of my daze, and I soften, meeting his gaze as he places my meal in front of me.

"Yeah? Thanks," I say, focusing on the food, and Yeonjun nods, taking a seat across from me. "You're welcome, but I want to say one last thing, and that's it." I gesture for him to continue.

"Don't stress over my choices; I can handle it," Yeonjun says seriously, and I sigh, nodding. "Okay, but just know I only want what's best for you."

"I know, appa," Yeonjun teases, and I roll my eyes, starting to eat."You worry me more."

"Why is that?" I asked, setting my fork down and chewing my food, watching Yeonjun eat.

"You haven't been dating since—"

"Because I'm too busy, that's all," I cut Yeonjun off, not wanting to delve into my non-existent love life. It's been seven years of singlehood, and I've been thriving. My high school puppy love ended in betrayal, and since then, I've sworn off dating altogether.

"Still, San, you deserve to find love too," Yeonjun insists, but I just shrug continue. "Nah, I'd rather not."

"So you and Yeosang aren't a thing," Yeonjun comments casually, and I pause mid-bite, taken aback by his assumption. I furrow my brows, wondering why he'd even think that. Yeosang has always been just a friend to me, nothing more. "Are you saying that because we're the only single people in our friend group?"

"Maybe," Yeonjun replies with a smirk, amusement dancing in his eyes. "Plus, he's not ugly and seems like your type."

I make face, shaking my head. "Nope just friends."

Yeonjun nods, dropping the subject with a knowing grin, and we continue our meal in comfortable silence, the topic of romance momentarily set aside.


As it was time for bed, I entered our shared room and was startled by Yeonjun's exclamation, "Wow! Fucking wow," as he stared at his phone. Before I could inquire about what was wrong, Yeonjun turns off his phone and placed it on his nightstand, turning off his side of the room lights and pulling the covers harshly over his head.

"Yeonjun?" I ventured cautiously, unsure if I should approach him.

"I don't want to talk about it," Yeonjun's voice trembled as sobs escaped. "Fuck!"

I watched as the covers shook with his motions, indicating he was crying underneath them. Gathering my courage, I walked over and climbed onto his bed, offering comfort.

"I'm such a fucking idiot," Yeonjun confessed, his tears audible. My heart sank as I listened to him cry over Wooyoung. "What happened?" I asked gently, pulling the covers away from Yeonjun's tear-streaked face.

"He just posted some girl on his story saying 'Week five!' He was already seeing someone and messing with me!" Yeonjun cried, his anguish palpable. I sighed, realizing my worst fears had come to fruition. "He's so—"

I shushed Yeonjun and wiped away his tears with my thumb. "Don't let him destroy you. He'll get what he deserves," I promised.

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