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I tried to contact Lia, but my phone just declined. I couldn't believe she had spilled our plan to Wooyoung's abuser. There I was, sitting in the hospital beside Yeonjun, my emotions in a whirlwind. "Fucking hell, what's wrong with her," I cursed, tossing my phone aside in frustration, causing Yeonjun to jump in his seat.

"You need to calm down," Yeonjun pointed at me, his voice steady but firm, reminding me of the tranquility required in a hospital.

"How can I possibly calm down, how?!" Panic started to seep into my voice, the weight of the situation crashing down on me. The thought of him telling Wooyoung about everything made my stomach churn. "I have to tell him," I muttered, more to myself than to Yeonjun.

With a heavy sigh, I let the reality sink in. The tears I had been holding back finally broke free, tracing paths down my cheeks as I grappled with the mess we were in.

Yeonjun rubbed my back, trying to offer some solace. "Calm down, San," he whispered, his voice a soothing balm to my frayed nerves. I couldn't control the shaking that took over my body as I cried, and he continued to try and calm me down, his presence a steady anchor in the chaos of my emotions.

Eventually, I was let out of the hospital with a broken arm, a painful reminder of my inability to defend myself. The disappointment in myself was heavy, almost suffocating. Yeonjun opened the car door for me, and I slid in, lost in my turmoil.

Back home, I found myself staring at my phone, hoping against hope that Lia would answer. Meanwhile, Yeonjun paced around, phone in hand, trying to figure things out. "Just don't think about it, San. I'll get her to talk," he said, though his words did little to ease my mind.

"This was a stupid idea. We shouldn't have ever created a team," I said bitterly, the weight of our decisions pressing down on me as I stared at the phone, feeling a mix of anger and insanity.

"I'm sorry," Yeonjun sighed, his apology hanging in the air, heavy with the unspoken acknowledgment of our shared predicament.

The phone rang, and as I reached for it, I saw Wooyoung's name flash on the screen. A heavy sigh escaped me, letting the phone continue to ring. "I'm too scared to even answer him," I admitted, the fear of confronting everything making my heart race.

"So, you aren't going to answer it?" Yeonjun asked, a hint of disbelief in his voice. I shook my head and lay on the couch, contemplating giving up and ghosting, but the thought alone felt like a betrayal.

"No, because that would break him, and you don't want to do that," Yeonjun said, walking over to the couch. I lifted my head and laid it on Yeonjun's leg, seeking some comfort in the turmoil. "I gotta tell him," I whispered, determination seeping through the fear.

Yeonjun nodded, playing with my hair, a silent gesture of support. "Can you take me to him?" I asked, knowing I couldn't drive with my broken arm. Yeonjun smiled and nodded. "Of course."

Mustering all the courage I had, I reached for my phone again to call Wooyoung, waiting to hear his voice before I could back out. "Wooyoung," I finally said, breaking the silence.

"Babe, I called yesterday. I miss you," Wooyoung's voice came through, soft and pouting, making my heart ache. "I'm sorry."

"Is everything okay?" he asked, concern lacing his voice. "Can I see you?" I asked instead, avoiding his question. My silence must have spoken volumes because his voice grew anxious. "San, what's wrong?"

"I just need to talk to you. Where are you?" I managed to say, the urgency clear in my voice.

"At the studio..." Wooyoung replied, and a heavy silence fell between us. "I'll see you then," I said, barely catching his "San, what—" before I accidentally hung up on him.

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