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Standing before the mirror, I eyed my reflection with a sense of duty rather than excitement. Today, Wooyoung had messaged me, wanting to meet for lunch.  Turning to Yeonjun, who was idly scrolling through his phone on my bed, I sought his input. "Help me," I said, not liking the outfit i put on myself. It didn't scream dream boy to me.

My request was met with a groan.

"What's wrong with you?" I prodded, curious about his lack of enthusiasm, I thought  he loved dressing me up.

"Nothing," he muttered, barely glancing up. But 'nothing' was never truly nothing with Yeonjun. I gave him a look that pressed for honesty.

He  caved, his voice carrying a mix of resignation and a faint hint of something else. "I kind of want to hang out with you today, that's all." He pushed off the bed and walked over to his closet, pulling out a graphic shirt and tossing it my way. "Try this."

Accepting the shirt, I suggested "Well, after the date we can,"  I swapped my current top for the one he selected, noting how it ended just above my belly button. "Really?" I couldn't help but smirk at his choice.

"Wooyoung would drool over you," he remarked, a trace of amusement breaking through.

I snorted,"He already does," I acknowledge  Wooyoung's recent efforts to win me over. But beneath the surface, I wondered about the authenticity of his actions. "What if he's love bombing me?"

Yeonjun shrugged, his gaze thoughtful. "Possible. I don't know," he admitted, echoing the caution that shadowed my thoughts.

"Just don't fall for him," Yeonjun warns, a serious undertone to his playful voice. I shoot him a look, one that's half amused, half questioning, which only makes him laugh.

"I hope you know you have bad taste," I retort, trying to fix my hair in the mirror. Yeonjun stands and moves to help me, his hands gently correcting the strands I missed. "Wanna do my makeup?" I offer wanting to spend time with him.

Yeonjun's smile is immediate and genuine. "I would love to."

He drags me over to his vanity, a playful force in his actions, and pushes me down into the chair. "Maybe you should make an Instagram post," he suggests, rummaging through his makeup bag.

I furrow my eyebrows, puzzled. "About Wooyoung?" The idea seems off to me.

"No, just in general," he clarifies, starting to apply some creamy gel to my face. "You have a handsome face. Use it."

His compliment sends a warm flush through me. "You think I'm handsome?" I can't help but smile, even as Yeonjun clicks his tongue in mock annoyance.

"I'm not going to entertain you," he says, focusing on my makeup. "Stay still." His whispered instruction sends a shiver down my spine, these moments only fueling the crush I have on him—a crush I still struggle to calm.

I wish I could go back to seeing him as just a brother. "Pucker your lips," he instructs, prepping for the next step.

"I hope it's that chapstick from the other time," I say, narrowing my eyes at him playfully, remembering a favorite product of his.

"Of course, my love," Yeonjun teases, squishing my cheeks between his hands to force my lips into a pucker. The intimacy of his touch, playful as it is, doesn't help my racing heart. "Don't you trust me?"

"Well..." I start, my voice trailing off as he applies the chapstick, the moment feeling more intense than it probably should.

When Yeonjun finishes, I take a moment to look at myself in the mirror. The makeup is subtle, enhancing rather than overshadowing, i looked good "Thank you, Yeonjun,"

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