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The drive home was silence mainly due to Jimin opting to carpool with Mingyu, someone who managed to piss me off without doing barely anything, but the little things. he was gettin in my way, and i will not have it.

I found myself sighing, staring out the window, silently hoping Wooyoung would notice my distress and ask what was wrong. I bit my lip, waiting for him to break the silence, but he didn't. Stealing a glance at him, I saw he was focused on the road ahead, seemingly oblivious to my internal turmoil.

Summoning my courage, I decided to initiate the conversation. "Woo," I began tentatively, "why didn't you tell me about your shrimp allergy?" I asked.

Wooyoung's expression shifted slightly, a mixture of surprise and relaxation crossing his features. "It never really came up," he responded casually, though I could sense a hint of curiosity in his tone, as if wondering why I was still fixated on the matter. Yet, for me, it was a reminder of the embarrassing moment when I accidentally almost about to kill Wooyoung literally ! had it not been for Mingyu's timely intervention.

Mingyu, the man Wooyoung warned me not to worry about, I would be stupid not to. He was Wooyoung's first love, and their bond ran deep. They knew each other inside out, and the fear of losing Wooyoung to him loomed over me like a shadow. "I want to get to know you more." I confessed

"I want to get to know you too," he declared, his eyes flicking to me, sparking with curiosity. "Seriously, 21 questions now?" His smile widened, the corners of his eyes crinkling in amusement.

"Why did you and your brother major in art?" I ventured, trying to understand more about his family dynamic.

"Jimin is a business major; he just creates for fun," Wooyoung clarified, dispelling my confusion with a simple explanation.

The conversation shifted, Wooyoung's question turning the spotlight onto my family. "What do your parents do?" he inquired, his tone gentle, perhaps sensing the complexity behind the question.

Not thinking twice i revealed ," My mom also abandoned me, and my fathers is dead." a truth tbag i never talk about. I usually refer to my grandparents as mom and dad,.

Wooyoung's face dimmed with empathy, his voice carrying a weight of sincerity. "I'm sorry about that," he murmured, and I could feel the genuine regret in his words.

"It's okay. I've been living with my grandparents, and they are retired chefs," I continued, trying to steer the conversation toward lighter shores.

Curious about his social circle, I asked, "Who is your best friend?"

Wooyoung's answer took me by surprise. "I don't have one; I'm friends with everyone," he stated, a hint of pride in his voice. It was an unusual confession, one that hinted at his inclusive nature.

Our conversation meandered through various topics, from how I met Yeonjun—omitting the part about his brother who was my actual friend—as I felt that he didn't deserve to know that part.

As we chat as answer added another piece to the puzzle, I was able to build a more complete picture of who Wooyoung was beneath the surface.

"Are you allergic to anything?" I ask him smirking.

Wooyoung chuckled softly, his laughter filling the air. "Yes, shrimps, almonds, and bananas," he admitted, his expression light.

"That's such a random mix," I remarked, genuinely intrigued by the peculiar combination.

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