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hmm how do y'all feel about the changes do they make more sense?? or i should've left it alone?

long chapter and it unedited


" followed him, he started liking stuff, and I panicked and blocked him," I explained to Yeonjun as we drove to the party. My voice trembled slightly, betraying the cool facade I was trying to maintain. I couldn't help but feel a bit foolish for my impulsive actions, a warmth creeping up my cheeks as the embarrassment settled in my stomach like a heavy stone.

"Is this too much for you?" Yeonjun asked, his voice cutting through the hum of the engine. He kept his eyes focused on the road, but I could sense him stealing glances my way,  " I was really emotional that day. You don't need to mess with Wooyoung if you don't want to."

I let out a sigh, my gaze fixed on the passing lights outside the window, feeling the weight of my own confusion and frustration. "But your feelings are valid. Only someone knows who else he's been playing," i replied, at first i was against the idea but every moment of hanging out with wooyoung who just thinks he has the audacity. It arrive me to be serious of the plan to take him down" i just need to figure shit out, but don't worry, I'll handle it."

"Okay," Yeonjun smiled, his expression softening as he pulled up to the house. The party was in full swing, the thumping bass of the music spilling out into the street, mingling with the laughter and chatter of people gathered in the front yard. The house itself was ablaze with lights, windows glowing warmly, inviting us into the fold. The energy was infectious, a stark contrast to the quiet introspection of our car ride.

While parking the car, Yeonjun nudged me,"Ready?" His simple question seemed louder against the backdrop of the party's cacophony, a mix of music, voices, and the occasional clink of glass.

"Yeah, let's go," I said, stepping out of the car. The cool night air hit me, a refreshing change from the stuffiness inside.

As we entered the dimly lit party house, the bass of the music reverberated through the air, pulsating with each step we took. The walls were adorned with colorful string lights, casting a soft glow over the crowd. The scent of sweat and alcohol lingered in the air, mixing with the sound of laughter and chatter.

Despite the wild vibe of the party house, where everyone was lost in the chaos, my focus somehow zeroed in on Wooyoung. It wasn't like my very first mission was  to find him, but I was just simply soaking in the scene.

Wooyoung was accompanied by what i assume was his fraternity brothers, vibing to the music. His ear length jet black hair was now dyed blonde, which made him stood out adding to his alluring persona.

Yeonjun nudges at me, and i look at him and he glances at Wooyoung not knowing i've already spot him, even when I wasn't actively looking for him.

I shifted gears mentally, determined to ignite something with Wooyoung tonight. With that intention firmly planted in my mind, I sauntered past him, hoping to catch his attention and set the wheels in motion. As I passed by, I felt the weight of his gaze on me, a subtle yet unmistakable acknowledgment that he had noticed my presence. Our eyes briefly met, sparking a silent understanding between us.

Wooyoung winked in my direction, but I chose to ignore the gesture, keeping my attention fixed on Yeonjun. "Let's go find our friends," I shouted over the blaring music.

As we entered the kitchen, the familiar faces of our friends greeted us. Hongjoong, with his short light brown hair, waved enthusiastically from the counter where he sat, accompanied by his boyfriend Seonghwa. Yeosang, Mingi, and Yunho were also there, forming our tight-knit group.

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