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unedited! spam with comments and what do y'all think about yeonjun and wooyoungs relationship? do you think yeonjun knows how san feels or is actually obvious?


Stepping into the club felt like entering another world—a world where the music pulsated through the floor and the air, where lights danced across faces and bodies moving to the rhythm. The cost of entry was steep, enough to make me hesitate, but the worry for Wooyoung propelled me forward. I tried calling him, hoping for a guiding voice amidst the chaos, but there was no answer. "Great," I muttered under my breath, feeling out of place in the sea of revelry. It seemed like a lot to go through for someone who had been sending mixed signals at best.

The feeling of isolation in the crowded club was jarring. Just as I was about to pull out my phone again, attempting another call, I felt arms encircle me from behind. My body tensed, ready to react, until a familiar slurred voice reached my ears, cutting through the noise. Relieved yet apprehensive, I turned around to face Wooyoung.

He looked different—his blonde hair was a tangled mess, a stark contrast to his usual meticulous style, and he was wearing colors instead of his signature black. It was as if the night had transformed him into a more carefree version of himself, or perhaps it was just the alcohol. Before I could process the change, Wooyoung's hands were on my face, pulling me into a kiss.

The kiss was unexpected, a mix of emotions swirling within me. There was the initial shock, followed by a surge of warmth as I recognized the person behind the drunken gesture. Wooyoung's lips moved against mine in a clumsy yet earnest attempt at connection, and for a moment, I allowed myself to be pulled into the moment, to forget the confusion and the questions.

In the brief moments between the kisses, Wooyoung's breathy whisper cut through the thumping bass of the club's music. "Stop staring at me in silence," he said, a slurred plea that held an undercurrent of vulnerability beneath the alcohol-induced boldness. Those words, unexpected and raw, made me pause.

"I've been thinking a lot about that kiss," Wooyoung mumbles against my lips, his words a breathy confession that sends a shiver down my spine. I pull back slightly, caught off guard, "Let's talk."

Wooyoung response with a pout and nod, I reach for his hand, but instead of reassurance, he pulls me forward, leading me through the pulsating crowd toward a secluded area. "Where are we going?" I ask as we weave through bodies and beats, but he doesn't answer until we've arrived at a private VIP room. Inside, people mingle and laugh, but Wooyoung's presence commands the room, and soon he's ushering them out with a simple, "Sit," directed at me as he secures our privacy.

Obedient yet uneasy, I take a seat, suddenly aware of the intense atmosphere enveloping us. Wooyoung's demeanor is unsteady, the emotional intoxication making the air between us heavy with unspoken thoughts and feelings. The intimacy feels overwhelming, or i'm still amplified by the lingering emotions I harbor for Yeonjun.

"San," he begins, settling next to me, a self-amused giggle escaping him before he snuggles closer, breaking through my reserve. "Why did you come?"

"You worried me," I admit, my voice steadier than I feel.

"But you don't care about me," he counters, burying his face into my chest with a laugh that's both bitter and sweet. "It cost seventy dollars to get in here, and yet you, with barely a penny to your name, came to find me." His laughter fades into a soft pout, painting me as desperate, though in reality I am, driven by a plan stirred by Yeonjun. "Do you even like me?"

The question hangs heavy, and I'm honest. "I was starting to, but after you ghosted me, I don't know anymore."

"I'm scared," he confesses, closing his eyes briefly. "I hurt people when I'm scared."

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