
449 10 4

tw warning mild violence and mention of assault.
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Wooyoung Pov

"Where's your little boy toy?" Mingyu smirks crookedly, the scent of alcohol wafting off him so strongly it's almost visible. His state of inebriation is unmistakable, adding a layer of disdain to my already complex feelings about being here.

"He doesn't need to be dragged into your chaos," I retort, pushing him lightly back inside his house, a mix of annoyance and shame coursing through me. What am I even doing here when I should be with san?

"But he already is, isn't he? Once y'all started ," Mingyu gestures air quotes, his voice dripping with mockery, "dating. I'm sure he's thrilled that your here with me."

Ignoring Mingyu's previous antics, I grabbed his arm, inspecting it closely, flipping it back and forth, searching for any signs of distress he had implied over the phone. Finding nothing, my concern quickly turned into skepticism. I look at him "You lied on the phone, didn't you?" I asked, my voice laced with both accusation and disbelief.

Mingyu met my gaze, a flicker of something vulnerable in his eyes. "I wanted to be alone with you," he confessed, a simple admission that felt like a blow.

I closed my eyes, dropping his arm as if it burned me, and turned away, a storm of anger brewing within me. "I'm so fucking pissed," I muttered under my breath. Mingyu reached for my hand, desperation coloring his voice. "Wooyoung, please, we didn't speak all day!"

I whirled around, "I don't want any contact with you." My words were ice, my push sending him staggering back. "You fucking crossed the line, you liar," I seethed, my frustration making me lash out physically against his chest.

In a moment of raw honesty, Mingyu blurted out, "Wooyoung, I didn't lie about Daehyun and I getting a divorce." He grabbed my wrist, trying to anchor me to the conversation, to the reality he was facing. But I couldn't, wouldn't believe him. Not when so much was at stake. "She left me yesterday because I told her about us."

"There's no us anymore," I retorted sharply, pulling away from his grip. "You're not getting your way this time," I added, making my stance clear as he reluctantly let me go.

His next words were a low blow, a jab meant to unsettle me. "You really like this Sup* (a/n: 숲 means forest) guy," he sneered, intentionally misnaming San to provoke a reaction. "How do you know he's not here for the money?"

I scoffed at him, as San approach to me had always been refreshingly different. He never seemed interested in my wealth; he saw me as a person first, which was a rare and valuable quality. It was one of the many reasons I was drawn to him.

"How do I know you're not doing this for the money?" I shot back at Mingyu, my eyes narrowing. Given his business acumen and the current struggles his company was facing, it wasn't beyond the realm of possibility. "Am I just a plan B to you?"

His reaction was swift and sharp, a mix of anger and hurt flashing across his face. "If I was after your money, I would've gone for Jimin," he retorted, his height suddenly feeling imposing as he loomed over me. His hand reached for my chin, forcing me to meet his gaze. "I just love you," he stated, a declaration that felt like a weight.

"No, you just love to hurt me," I corrected him, my voice steady despite the emotion inside. I slapped his hand away, distancing myself from his touch and his words.

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