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choisan1 : my friend left me in the car❤️3,000 💬244

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choisan1 : my friend left me in the car
❤️3,000 💬244


Wooyoung slid back into the driver's seat after filling up the car, a hint of amusement in his voice as he teased, "Your friend left you in the car? I was right outside." His laughter filled the space between us as he flashed his phone my way, displaying my latest Instagram post.

"I couldn't think of a catchy caption," I admitted with a chuckle, watching as Wooyoung ignited the engine. It was day three of our relationship, and Wooyoung was whisking me away to his place in Busan. "What about 'Road Trip'?" he suggested, offering a simple yet fitting caption.

"You're overthinking the post. I know you wouldn't leave me behind," I said, leaning in to plant a kiss on his cheek. Wooyoung's grin widened as he shifted the car into drive, and we were soon an hour into our journey.

I reached out to turn the radio back on, curious about the playlist Wooyoung had crafted especially for me. To my surprise, it featured an array of artists I never thought he was a fan of, and on top of that would think about me when listening to the songs.

As my favorite song started playing, I warned myself internally, Don't tie Wooyoung too closely to this song, San. Don't let it get ruined for you. the song was about meeting your person, and hear that what wooyoung thought of me felt overwhelming.

Especially when Wooyoung began to sing along, his voice blending with the melody in a way that felt genuinely endearing. I couldn't help but feel goosebumps, and a smile creep on my
face as i listen.

It had been such a long time since anyone had extended such a thoughtful gesture towards me, and in that moment, everything felt perfectly.

"You're literally the cutest," I told him, my gaze fixed on him with admiration. "Sing the next song," I encouraged.

"Bet," Wooyoung said with a playful tone, clearing his throat as another catchy tune began to play. He sang the lyrics out loud, his voice filled with joy, while I clapped along to the beat, fully immersed in the moment.

"Forget about seeing them in concert; I have you," I joked, eliciting a sheepish laugh from Wooyoung. "You like this group?"

"Who doesn't?" I replied. "I love them," I confessed sincerely.

"What if I told you I knew them?" Wooyoung inquired, prompting a skeptical look from me. I wouldn't be surprised, considering he's a nepo baby, but I would be shocked if he did.

"You're lying," I teased, unable to fully grasp the possibility.

"They're having a show; I can get you tickets," he offered, and my eyes widened in disbelief. Wooyoung flexed his connections, offering me tickets that were nearly impossible to get. "Wooyoung," I said, my voice laced with astonishment.

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