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As Wooyoung's vehicle glides to a stop outside my house, a sigh escapes me, heavy with the reluctance of parting from him yet burdened with the necessity to confront Yeonjun or face our group chat's growing tensions. "This is you," Wooyoung breathes out, his voice a mirror of my own hesitance, drawing a pout from my lips.

"Don't act like you weren't ready to go," he teases, the lightness in his tone failing to mask the underlying truth, sparking an unwelcome guilt within me. "I'm kidding," he quickly adds, his words attempting to lighten the mood.

"I know but... I'm sorry," I find myself apologizing, my gaze shifting away, unable to meet his eyes. "Hey, it's okay," Wooyoung reassures, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder, grounding me.

"Kiss before you go?" he proposes, a hopeful gleam in his eyes. My response is a smile, and as I lean in for what was meant to be a brief farewell, Wooyoung deepens the kiss, transforming it into something more lingering.

A moan escapes me as we part, a smile playing on my lips. "I'll see you at school," I whisper. Wooyoung nods, extending his pinky in a gesture so tender it draws my brows together in confusion until I understand, wrapping my own pinky around his. "Promise," he says, his voice laced with sweetness, igniting a blush on my cheeks.

Blinking twice, as if to wake from a spellbinding dream, I reluctantly let go and step towards my house. "Bye," I call out softly.

"Bye, babe," Wooyoung's voice follows me, a warm farewell that lingers in the air. With a final wave, I gather my things from his car and walk up to my house.

As I open the door, voices fill the air, abruptly ceasing as the door shuts behind me. "I'm back," I announce.

"Living room," Yeonjun's voice directs, drawing my attention. Entering, I find the group chat gathered, Yeonjun sporting crossed arms and freshly dyed black hair, exuding a dark aura. "Welcome back, San," he greets.

"Had a fun sexcapade?"Kevin's snort punctuates the air, his smirk evident as laughter ripples through the room, including from me as I feel the warmth of embarrassment creeping up my cheeks.

"Wow, you guys actually did Fuck?!" Yeonjun's disbelief seeps through his words, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise as I roll my eyes in response. With a nonchalant gesture, I drop my bag near the staircase, eager to distance myself from their teasing, and make my way towards the kitchen.

"And now he's limping," Changbin's observation hits a nerve, causing me to abruptly slam my hand onto the counter in frustration. "Are you guys trying to bully me or something?" I retort, the tension thickening with each word exchanged.

"No, San, we're just confused. You haven't updated us, then you say you want to stop, and now you're here looking, well, sexed-out," Lia remarks, arms crossed. I frown,"You guys don't get it."

"Yeah, we don't. So explain," Kevin demands.

"Guys, calm down, maybe it'll make sense," Chanhee's voice cuts through the escalating tension like a soothing balm, momentarily easing the atmosphere. Just then, a knock reverberates through the room, drawing my attention towards the door.

Turning, I make my way to the door, the weight of the situation palpable with each step. Attempting to maintain composure, I straighten my posture, trying to walk as if nothing is amiss. As I swing the door open, revealing Yeosang standing on the other side, his smile slightly crooked, a mix of confusion and curiosity colors my expression.

"Hey," I greet him, the uncertainty evident in my voice. "What are you—"

"Um...I-Funny story," Yeosang stammers, his nervousness betraying him.

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