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But as the hours passed and dawn approached, sleep eluded me. I felt overwhelmed by the situation, grappling with my own guilt and inadequacies. Wooyoung lay beside me, broken and vulnerable, and I couldn't shake the feeling that I was only adding to his pain.

"Fuck," I muttered under my breath, tears welling up in my eyes as I wrestled with my emotions. The idea of the plan sounded super fucked up, when wooyoung just needed time to heal. I couldn't see myself playing with his feeling anymore. Perhaps the group chat would understand my decision, and respect it.

But before making any decisions, there was one thing I needed to do: make Mingyu pay for what he had done.

Someone as despicable as him shouldn't be allowed to get away with essentially grooming Wooyoung, leading him on, and then assaulting him. The mere thought of him made my blood boil with rage.

Tears fell from my eyes, and i quickly wipe them as Wooyoung stirred in his sleep, I reached over to block the sunlight from his eyes, offering him a gentle smile. "You're still here," he remarked bluntly, and I nodded in affirmation. "I'm still here," I reassured him.

"Are you mad at me?" Wooyoung asked, and I shook my head, brushing his hair back carefully. "I want you to know that i only went because I thought he was in danger," he explained, his voice tinged with remorse. "I wish i never left you, i'm sorry."

"No, I'm sorry," I replied, regret washing over me for the hurtful words I had spoken the night before. "I assumed something instead of trusting you. I'm sorry, and I'll make sure that asshole pays," I vowed.

And Wooyoung remained silent, staring at the wall, I couldn't shake the feeling of guilt gnawing at me from the inside. "You can sleep now, I'm okay," he finally spoke, his voice soft and gentle.

"But I can't," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. "I feel horrible."

"You didn't do anything to me," Wooyoung reassured me, his eyes meeting mine with unwavering sincerity. Despite his own pain, he was concerned about my well-being. "San, don't cry," he pleaded, reaching out to wipe away the tears that had started to cascade down my cheeks.

I knew I needed to find a way to end things with him, even if it meant doing so gently and without the original plan for vengeance. Putting an end to this madness before it spiraled out of control was the only way I could find peace and finally sleep at night. I no longer desired revenge; all I wanted was to spare us both from any further pain.

We stayed in bed for a while, wrapped in each other's embrace, until hunger eventually nudged Wooyoung awake. Promising to make him something to eat, I wanted to take care of him today, to do anything that would make him feel less alone in his turmoil.

As we walked hand in hand down the stairs, entering the kitchen, Wooyoung couldn't help but comment, "You know we have chefs, right?"

"But I want to cook you something. It's my love language," I explained, and Wooyoung nodded, not objecting.

Seating Wooyoung at the chair, I playfully took on the role of a waitress, a skill I had from my previous job. "And what would you like to have, babe?" I inquired, causing Wooyoung to blush as he asked, "What do you have?"

"I can make an omelette, but since you're not a breakfast person, would you like the Wooyoung special?" I suggested with a smile,

His eyes lit up at the mention of his name being a special "What's the Wooyoung special?" he asked.

"A spinach-wrapped chicken burrito with ranch on the side," I replied with a grin, knowing it was something he enjoyed.

" you know how to make that?" Wooyoung asked, to which I playfully scoffed, "No, but Google can help me."

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