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Waking up with our legs entangled and finding myself somehow nuzzled into Wooyoung's chest was an unexpected surprise. After our playful banter last night about being the big spoon and him being the little spoon, it seemed nature had its own ideas, with Wooyoung wrapping around me in a comforting embrace. Oddly, being cuddled by him felt incredibly right, a warmth spreading through me that felt like home.

Attempting to gently extract myself from Wooyoung's hold without waking him proved futile. His eyes fluttered open, and he greeted me with a sleepy smile. "Hi, little spoon," his raspy, just-awakened voice croaked, followed by a soft kiss pressed to my forehead.

I shot him a playful glare. "You switched positions, didn't you?" His head shake was so evidently deceptive that I couldn't help but tsk. "You're lucky I like trying new things."

"Well, I like you," Wooyoung retorted, his cold index finger gently poking my nose, causing me to scrunch it in response. "And I'm glad you're here. My family likes you."

Wooyoung then mentioned his family's approval, and I couldn't help but laugh awkwardly in response. "Already?" I mused, feeling slightly overwhelmed by the thought.

"I hope that stops your nightmares," he whispered softly, his voice tender. I furrowed my eyebrows, not recalling any bad dreams or even dreaming at all. "You sleep talk," Wooyoung added, pausing before erupting into laughter. My eyes widened in shock. "What did I say?"

"Those are secrets between me and sleeping San," he teased, leaving me to wonder and hope that my unconscious musings were nothing too revealing or related to the plans."It wasn't anything crazy." he adds , pecking my lips, and i allow him.

"I'm at ease a little now," I admitted truthfully, moving closer to Wooyoung and employing my best attempt at making my eyes appear large and irresistible. "You're so cute," Wooyoung declared, and I groaned internally, realizing I had walked into that.

"If I'm cute, then you're—" I started, but Wooyoung was quick to list his own compliments.

"Sexy, wonderful, hot—" he began, but I interrupted him with a more fitting pet name in mind.

"Then you're baby," I said, bursting into laughter at his immediate reaction. Wooyoung scrunched his nose and whined in protest, "I don't like that."

"See? You whine like a baby," I laughed, pointing out his unwitting confirmation of my nickname for him. In response, Wooyoung playfully pulled me on top of him.

"But here you are being held like one," he smirked, his hands securing me by the waist. Reacting, I immediately sat up, positioning myself on his waist and crossing my arms defiantly. "You're not going to win," I declared.

"Win what?" Wooyoung chuckled, looking genuinely confused, yet amused by our playful banter. His confusion only added to the charm of the moment, the way wooyoung looked at me made genuine smile.

"Nevermind," I muttered, attempting to wriggle free from his hold, but Wooyoung's grip was firm, his resolve clear. "Say it," he urged, and I could feel my cheeks warming with a blush, embarrassed to even voice the thought.

"No," I responded, giving his chest a light pat, hoping he'd let the matter drop. But Wooyoung wasn't having any of it, adopting a pout and repeating in an exaggerated baby voice, "Say it, I'm curious."

"You're such a baby," I couldn't help but snort, laughing at his antics. In an instant, Wooyoung's playfulness shifted into a more competitive spirit as he flipped me over and pinned me to the bed with a swift movement. "Am not, I'm only 4 months younger than you," he protested.

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