276 14 7

unedited sowwwy
mention of violence towards the end

"you guys fucked where?!?" yeonjun yells, and he had every right to. i wasn't in my right mind, and i allowed him to chew me out as i scrubbed off the couch.

last night, wooyoung end up leaving despite me begging him to stay, he assumes we can see each other tomorrow and now it's the next day and i remember how we made love on the couch.

"suddenly i wish you was back to the you're non sexually attractive self, that san use to read books on couch."

"yeonjun, im sorry." i said whipping the table now, since i'm already cleaning,"it won't happy again,it better not."

we stare at eachother before bursting into laughter," like dick was too good to go upstairs." i laugh shaking my head before correcting him," finally he allow me to top,"

"wow." yeonjun says flopping on the couch adjacent from the one i cleaned. "It was...unexpected. But, Yeonjun, it was more than just that. Last night was special."

Yeonjun raised an eyebrow, a silent prompt for me to continue. Taking a deep breath, I found myself smiling at the memory, the warmth of the moment still fresh in my heart. "We said 'I love you'," I revealed, the words feeling just as powerful now as they had then. "And before you ask your favorite line... yes, I do love him."

The room fell silent for a moment, the weight of my confession hanging in the air. Yeonjun's gaze softened, and I could see the genuine happiness for me in his eyes. "Well, damn," he said, a broad smile spreading across his face. "That's... that's really something, San. I'm happy for you, truly."

"Thanks." i said sitting on the couch.

"So no more guilt about the plan."

The mention of the plan immediately shifted the atmosphere, the laughter and lightness fading as quickly as it had come. The pit in my stomach, a constant companion since the plan's inception, grew heavier. Yeonjun's words, though delivered with his usual straightforwardness, felt like a punch to the gut. "I gotta tell him, I just need to find out when," I admitted, the weight of my secret pressing down on me with renewed force.

"Soon or never," Yeonjun echoed, his voice a mixture of seriousness and concern.

"Yeah, I know," I muttered, rising from my seat with a heavy sigh. "Maybe he'll understand," I added, though deep down, I knew he wouldn't. He'd hate me for it. He'd probably throw a punch, and then Jimin would come along and make it ten times worse than Wooyoung ever could. Maybe I should hit the gym or take boxing classes or—

"You're going on a date with Taehyun," Yeonjun's voice interrupted my spiraling thoughts, his expression a mix of confusion and concern, his eyebrows furrowed in a puzzled frown. I mirrored his expression, feigning innocence. "Date?" I chuckled lightly. "No, we're just hanging out today. Why do you ask?"

"Beomgyu texted me and mentioned it," Yeonjun replied, glancing at his phone. "Maybe he's being overdramatic. I think he likes Taehyun."

"Aw, that's cute. Yeah, no, Taehyun and I are just hanging out," I clarified, my tone lightening with amusement.

"Yeah, because you have a boyfriend," Yeonjun pointed out, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"Yup, now I should get ready for this hangout," I said, brushing off the topic before making my way upstairs.

I pulled on a black graphic oversize shirt, a piece I was certain belonged to Wooyoung. With a shrug, I slipped it on, the fabric draping loosely over my frame. Peeling off my pajamas, I traded them for a pair of black cargo pants, the familiar weight of them comforting against my skin. Retrieving my Vans from the depths of my closet, I laced them up quickly before bounding down the stairs.

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