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The next day, I wake up early, feeling a strange sense of emptiness as it's the first time I've woken up without someone beside me. Usually, it's Yeonjun, but now we've decided to give each other space since we now seeing someone and i'm with wooyoung(?) it will feel awkward sleeping with another man's man. I couldn't just have Wooyoung stay over after spending a week at his house.

I roll out of bed, slipping on my slippers before making my way to the bathroom. I hear the shower running and call out, "Yeonjun, it's me. I just need to pee."

"Okay," comes Yeonjun's muffled response from behind the shower curtain. I use the bathroom, washing my hands after flushing the toilet. "Are you doing anything today?" I inquire, realizing we haven't spent much time together lately.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, but Soobin and I are going on a double date with Yeosang and Chaeyeong," Yeonjun informs me.

"Yeosang and who?" I question, taken aback by the unexpected pairing.

Yeonjun laughs. "That's what I thought too. You really missed out when you were gone."

"I guess I need to play catch up," I sigh, feeling a pang of regret. "But one last thing before I leave."

Yeonjun hums in acknowledgment. "Do they hate me?" I ask, feeling a knot of anxiety form in my stomach.

"I don't know how to answer that for everyone, but I respect your decision," Yeonjun replies sincerely. I nod, even though he can't see me, before leaving the bathroom.

Deciding to head to the library to get some work done, I quickly dress in cargo pants, a plain white t-shirt, and a sweater just in case it gets chilly. Grabbing my bookbag and laptop, I head out.

Yeonjun enters the room in a towel, teasing me, "Where are you going? To see your boyfriend?"

Rolling my eyes, I reply sarcastically, "Ha ha." But I can feel myself blushing unexpectedly. Why am I acting so soft all of a sudden? "I'm studying at the library."

"We love a smart king," Yeonjun jokes as he changes. I quickly fix my hair in the mirror before grabbing my phone. "See ya," I say before leaving.

Deciding to walk to the library since it's only three blocks away, I put on my AirPods and play some music as I make my way there.

As I approach the library, its grand stone facade towers above me, adorned with intricate carvings and framed by tall, arched windows.

Entering the library, I'm greeted by the hushed atmosphere of studious concentration. Soft lighting casts a warm glow over the rows of wooden tables and plush reading chairs, inviting students to settle in for hours of focused work.

Finding an empty table near a sunlit window, I set out my laptop and textbooks before diving into my assignments. The quiet rustle of pages and the tapping of keyboards provide a comforting backdrop to my productivity.

Just as I'm fully immersed in my work, my phone vibrates with a text notification. Pulling it out of my pocket, I see that it's a message from Wooyoung. With a quick glance around to make sure no one is watching, I eagerly open the text, a smile spreading across my face at the sight of his name, seeing that i broke the Hit and Run allegations after going all in two other night. He's actually trying

hey, i missed you already

already, would've thought you'd be tried of me

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