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unedited bc im sleepy enjoy! comment alot i love reading yall feeback!!
The day dawned bright and clear, and although I had no school, I found myself yearning to see Wooyoung again. I felt something about the relationship after our kiss last night, and I couldn't shake the feeling of wanting to be near him.

As I hopped into the car with Changbin, Lia, and Yeonjun for a carpool to school, the questions started flying. "Did he kiss you goodbye?" Lia asked eagerly, her eyes gleaming with curiosity. I shook my head, feeling a flush creeping up my cheeks. "I'm still surprised you two didn't just go all out," Changbin chimed in with a smirk. "I wouldn't have let it get that far," I retorted, trying to keep my cool.

Reflecting on the moments after our kiss, the walk back to the car had been surprisingly comfortable, filled with a peaceful silence. When Wooyoung dropped me home, we exchanged a simple goodbye, nothing too dramatic or intense.

Upon arriving at school, we parked the car and went our separate ways, except for Yeonjun and me. Walking with him to the library, I spotted Wooyoung already there. Our eyes met briefly, and I couldn't help but smile and wave. However, Wooyoung turned away, and for a moment, I wondered if he had deliberately ignored me.

"Did he just ignore you?" Yeonjun asked, his brow furrowing in concern as he noticed the interaction. I sighed, feeling a pang of disappointment. "You noticed that too," I muttered, my heart sinking. "Go to him," Yeonjun nudged me gently. Nodding, I made my way over to where Wooyoung was standing with a group of friends, A frat guy nudged Wooyoung, and they exchanged glances before Wooyoung strode over to me, his expression blank.

"Um, hey," I greeted tentatively, feeling a pang of nerves as I fidgeted with my sleeve.

Wooyoung shoved his hands into his pockets, his demeanor distant. "I didn't know you had school today," he remarked, his tone devoid of warmth.

"Yeah, I don't. I just, um, wanted to see you," I admitted, trying to bridge the gap between us. But as I moved closer, I noticed him subtly recoil, his body language speaking volumes.

Wooyoung's response was a simple, "Oh," delivered with a hint of indifference, as if my presence was inconsequential to him. I tried to read him but he was hard to read. so i tried to start a conversation.

"So, what are your plans for today?" i asked, and wooyoung shrugs,"school." Wooyoung's response feels dismissive, but I try to keep the conversation going. "Anything else planned after school? Maybe we could hang out again?"

"I'm busy." wooyoung says,and he breaks eye contact with with me,"i have to go."

"okay, i'll let you go then." i said and wooyoung finally smiles at me but it looked force and he walks back to his friends. what the fuck was that. maybe he needs space but then again look what happen to the other guys that gave him space. for the sake of the plan i wasn't going to let wooyoung get away from me that easily.

Deciding not to dwell on Wooyoung's abrupt shift in demeanor, I head to the library to kill time while waiting for Yeonjun to finish his class since he drove. Shamelessly i plotted that i would spend my 2 hours with wooyoung might join me, but with this dull attitude he go going on made it unlikely. As I step into the quiet atmosphere of the library, the scent of old books and faint whispers greets me, and I scan the room until I spot Yeosang tucked away in the copy room.

San stepped into the library, greeted by the familiar scent of books and the soft hum of students studying. As he scanned the room, his eyes landed on Yeosang, who was busy sorting through papers in the copy room.

"You're here early," Yeosang remarked, his gentle voice carrying across the room. "I thought you didn't have school."

San smiled, making his way over to Yeosang. "Yeah, I didn't, but I needed a place to kill time. Plus, I wanted to say hi."

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