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this is like a filler chapter bc why not. Anyways a tab bit drama and a tab bit of spelling errors i'll edit it later.

NOW IM GOING TO SLEEP lol, i'll update in the morning !

also happy to say thag ive outline the whole book and end up writing two ending outcomes lol 😂


Sitting in a dimly lit room, the atmosphere was charged with the buzz of conversation and the clinking of glasses. We were playing Go Fish with a twist, each round accompanied by a sip of our drinks. By the time we reached round seven, the game had lost its initial thrill, and it seemed like we were all just going through the motions.

"Changbin, this game is getting dull," Lia groaned, tossing her cards onto the table. "Let's spice things up with some truth or dare."

Kevin's eyes lit up with excitement. "I'm down for that!"

Yeonjun, holding the now empty wine bottle, suggested using it as a makeshift spinner for the game. Placing it in the center of our circle, he gave it a vigorous spin, and we watched intently as it whirled around before finally coming to a stop, pointing directly at Chaeyeong. The group erupted into cheers.

"Truth or dare, princess?" Yeonjun inquired, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. Chaeyeong deliberated for a moment before confidently selecting "dare."

"I dare you to..." Yeonjun trailed off, casting a playful glance in my direction. "Switch shirts with San," he declared with a grin, igniting laughter from the group.

I couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the dare as Chaeyeong and I exchanged puzzled glances. Yeonjun's antics never failed to inject some fun into our gatherings, even if it meant enduring a bit of embarrassment.

I raised my eyebrows, playfully feigning indignation. "Oh, I see how it is," I teased, a grin tugging at the corners of my lips. "Just looking for an excuse to see me in a crop top, huh?"

Yeonjun chuckled, his eyes gleaming mischievously. "Can you blame me? You'd rock it!" he countered, gesturing towards the pile of clothes we had brought for the sleepover."now change."

As Chaeyoung reluctantly shed her beloved pink sparkly Y2K-style shirt, she shot me a pleading look. "Don't stretch it out, it's my favorite shirt," she pleaded with wide eyes.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her expression, assuring her, "I'll be gentle, I promise."

As I begin to slip out of my shirt, the sound of whistling fills the air, playful and teasing. Underneath it, almost lost in the swell of laughter, I catch Chanhee's murmured words, "He can stretch me," as I pull the pink shirt over my head. The moment is fleeting, a whisper of boldness and jest, yet it hangs in the air, soft and charged, as the fabric of the shirt settles against my skin.

"Petition for San to wear crop tops," Kevin declared, prompting a chorus of agreements and cheers from the group.

Changbin, ever the observant one, nudged me playfully. "We should go to the gym together," he suggested, offering a compliment since everyone off guard how muscular and tatted up i was. Everyone , except for Yeonjun, who simply smirked knowingly.

"Okay, I'm spinning," Chaeyoung announced, rolling up my long sleeve shirt so it wouldn't hang off her. She gave the bottle a spin, and we all watched it eagerly. I took a swig of my soju, anticipation building as it landed on Kevin. Cheers erupted from the group, and Kevin let out a triumphant "Truth!" causing everyone to boo him.

"Fine, fuck, marry, kill in this circle," Chaeyoung declared, raising her cup as Kevin contemplated his options.

"Fuck Changbin, wed Chuu, and kill Chanhee," Kevin answered with a grin, earning a playful middle finger from Chanhee.

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