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a/n: same plot just made it longer. comment like and share!

And stuck to my word, as I made my way down the art department building hallway. Instantly spotted Wooyoung, his tall frame and brown hair making him stand out. He was engrossed in conversation with a girl, his charming smile causing my blood to boil. With determination fueling my steps, I marched over and, shoved him forcefully into the lockers."Ow, what the fuck?" he exclaimed, pushing me back, and i stumbled a little bit before pinning him to the locker holding him down with all my strength.

"You've made my friend cry," I seethed, my eyes burning with disgust as I stared into his.

"Isn't that what you wanted? Me to leave him alone?" Wooyoung retorted, his tone dripping with sarcasm. In one swift motion, he switched our positions, catching me off guard and pinning me against the wall. A smirk played on his lips as he let out a dry laugh, then released me. "You can have him now."

"You little—" I started to retort, but halted as an administrator walked by. I bit my tongue, shooting a glare at Wooyoung. He wasn't worth getting suspended over.

"Stay away from Yeonjun," I warned sternly before grabbing my book bag from the floor and storming out of the art department.

I headed to my next class, one that I usually shared with Yeonjun, but today he opted to skip. He didn't want to risk running into Wooyoung, and I hoped that after today, he'd never have to lay eyes on that fuckboy again.

As I arrived at my mythology class, I settled into my usual spot at the front, finding it easier to concentrate and learn from there. As I prepared myself for the lesson, my mind kept drifting back to that damn Wooyoung and how he managed to flip me against the lockers. Who does he think he is, Mr. Tough Guy? I cursed under my breath, feeling a dull ache in my shoulder.

As I stewed over the encounter with Wooyoung, the mythologies teacher walked in, a stack of books in hand, ready to impart knowledge. I quickly shifted my focus, grabbing my notebook and pen to jot down notes as the lesson began. The teacher's passionate explanation of ancient myths and legends soon drew me in, momentarily pushing thoughts of Wooyoung to the back of my mind.

When class ended, Mrs. Lee, our teacher, grabbed our attention with news of a chance for extra credit. My eyebrows shot up in interest as I listened intently. "The art department needs models for statues, and if you guys volunteer, you won't have to take two future tests."

That was all I needed to hear to be sold on the idea of avoiding a couple of tests in a class where I wasn't doing as well as I'd hoped. "Who would be interested?" Mrs. Lee asked, and I eagerly raised my hand, along with several others. She smiled and passed out papers detailing the specifics of the art collaboration to those of us who were interested.

The paper instructed us to meet with the art teacher to be assigned to an artist. Since this was my only class of the day, it wouldn't be difficult to go straight to them after class.

I knocked on the door of the art room office and glanced at the paper before turning my attention to the teacher, Mrs. Moon, who sat at her desk. "Mrs. Moon? I'm San from the Mythology class. I heard you—"

"Yes," the short lady interrupted me, hopping out of her chair and gesturing for me to follow. "Follow! You're in luck; we have one artist left."

My mouth formed an 'o' upon hearing the news. My teacher never mentioned that the opportunity was limited, so I was relieved to hear that I still had a chance.

We entered an art studio, and I followed Mrs. Moon as she led me to where the artist should be. "Wooyoung, sweetie?" she called out, and a pit formed in my stomach upon hearing that damn name.

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