promise me we'll get out

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I wake up I press the button of my alarm. I'm not able to think five more minutes, even if I'd like to. I close my eyes. On the wall there's still one photo and an old drawing. I don't remember how old I was when I first came here. I do know other details like that it was rainning cats and dogs the day I came here and that I cried the whole night, but why don't I remember how old I was? I also can't really track back time because I lost track of it. I'd say I'm now a young man. Not a teenager anymore.

I look around, the rest of the room is strictly white or it's iron. The whole room is cold. I haven't seen the outside for a long time. Well, once In the few months I can go to the inner square but that doesn't count because it has a glass roof over it. I sigh and laugh I can't even remember my own name before this. I think it might have been Noah, maybe Michael? Well I know it was something from the bible. What was the bible again? It was important that I remember. It has something to do with God, that was why my mom wasn't really excited when I showed her my zombie dog. I had practiced for her on smaller dead animals but this one was finally worthy of my mom's attention. I scoff, and look where it landed a claustrophobic semi psychological laboratory.

I remember I wanted to become a knight and if that wouldn't work out I'd settle for firefighter, police or doctor. What a shame, I could've been so much more, now I'm just a tool, a weapon for later use. I stare at the filthy white vent, that's the only thing that's remotely dirty, maybe it's so we don't try to escape I don't know. Even though I lost track of time I'm perfectly aware what day it is today. It's the birthday of æris-argenti, that's the me who's trapped in the lab, the lab gave me this name. They do with all their test subjects altough I don't know how many are human I think they also test other things. The name means copper-silver because my skin is tanned even without getting any sun and silverish grey hair is cut in a loose bob I like the feeling when my hair gently touches my jaw the slight waves in my hair make it better. It makes me feel the slightly alive.

I stand up and put on my shirt it's greenish which makes it look like some sort of scrub like in the hospital. I hate the way the clothes here feel and I hate how almost everyone wears a labcoat and I hate how I've never met anyone roughly the same age as me in., I don't know ten years, maybe. I hear a loud beep and my door opens I smile people come in singing happy birthday. I try not to think about how old I must be the head of the lab isn't here which is odd because he insists that I should see him as some sort of father figure. I don't know if I do. I do see him like that if he teaches me how the things in the lab work but I don't when he is testing some new theory on me.

When they're done singing I say I want to go to bath and I wanna eat the cake later with the maker. They escort me to the bathroom. One of the girls take off the gloves that prevent me from hurting anyone. One is different from the other because my right hand is more powerful than my left. Nowadays it doesn't really matter anymore I'm very powerful whatsoever. My right hand isn't allowed to be uncovered under any circumstances. Well, when they do experiments on me it is allowed. I know... I also hate double standards. Well, nevermind so my right hand is constantly covered with a special glove. Which results in bad itches and red rashes. Oh and by the way the gloves they fasten themselves unto your skin so no I can't break free from them. Or at least not yet.

I turn on the faucet with my mind and draw a warm bath before slipping into it. I go under. Te water tingles my face and makes me feel a certain freedom I reckon I'll never have. I'm just chilling when someone knocks on the door. I roll my eyes. There no fucking privacy here. "Come in ye who dare" the maker comes in. I sit up a little. "Sorry I wasn't there boy,it's been busy here" I nod while secretly thinking: you can fucking lock me up but you can't show up on time "it happens to the best of us, so you said we'd do a big experiment today" I say instead "yeah that's right æris were going back to one of your original powers" I nod "so necromancy or something?" "Yeah something like that, cool right, you know the last month we've been training" he asks while writing something down. "we've been training healing powers so I would guess that the experiment will be that I will be able to revive a corpse and make it intact" "well yes but no actually" he grabs my shoulder "you're gonna revive yourself" I'm confused when I suddenly feel that I'm under water. I struggle against the doctor but I feel that other came to help him I have never been so angry I hear something breaking and I see light going on and off but for every orderly I blast away or kill there are five other keeping my fucking throat in the water. I feel my lungs hurting, I can't see anything anymore but I don't wanna give up. I can't! my lungs feel like they're burning or exploding when I finally gasp but instead of air I feel the water

I open my eyes it's cold and dark the floor reflects everything like the floor in airport. My feet are bare but I'm wearing a white tunic. I hear something behind me. I see that it's a kind of opening to the room I was just in. Everything is a little blurry. I can hear what they say "how did you know he was gonna trust you and just let you in?" "He's like a trusting puppy no matter how much you beat him he'll return. He's basically a child in an eighteen year old body so he'll always come back to me I'm the only one he has." I turn around when I hear a laugh it's the laugh of a baby I walk towards it it echos through this thing here. I see a kind of wall made out off televisions. Thousands of them and they're all playing different memories untill one is only static. I look at it. Does this mean I have a chance to live? Is this the part where I decide if I'm ready? I look at the wall. Maybe just, maybe if I go back I get a chance to live to really live with other people, like other people, like the people on tv I can watch once in a while. I look back at the room when I notice it's beginning to close. Shit I exclaim as I begin to run towards it both of my knees hurt because of the slippery hard ground but I can't get myself to slow down. I feel myself fall and get up before everything goes black.

This book might be cliche I want to discover imprisonment and unconventianal humans and why they have those powers, I do not know a lot about this book except the characters

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