Chapter one

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My eye flutter open to the beaming morning sun shining through my boyfriends window, making me groan tiredly.

I shuffle out of Rafe's loose grip to grab my phone from the nightstand, the bright screen making me wince and blink through my sleepiness.

I slowly sit up in the bed, careful to not wake up the sleeping boy next to me, knowing that he'll be a grumpy asshole if he's woken up.

I sluggishly stand up, Rafes oversized T-shirt falling down past my thighs as I pick up my clothes scattered over the floor after the events of last night.

As I'm pulling on my denim shorts, the peaceful silence is interrupted by the sound of Rafe grumbling something under his breath.

I spin around to be met with rafe's weary eyes looking up at me, his mouth curving into a half smile.

"Morning baby" he murmurs quietly, rubbing his hands over his face.

"Good morning" I reply, tugging my shirt over my head and straightening it out over my body.

His gaze flicker over me curiously, narrowing his eyes slightly as he watches me get myself dressed.

"Where are you going?" He asks, his tone becoming a little more accusatory and callous.

"I told my dad I'd be home by ten" I tell him, running my fingers through my messy hair, attempting to salvage it.

I watch his brows knit together as he lets out an exasperated sigh, his body sitting up in the bed so his back is up against the headboard.

"Why do you have to leave now?" He asks me, his eyes following my every move as I shift around his room, gathering my things.

"Because..." I huff, bending over to grab my handbag and shoes, "I want to see him before toppers party tonight" I continue as I stand back up.

"Shit I forgot about that" he mumbles as he swings his legs over the side of the bed, preparing his exhausted body to stand up.

I watch him stand up from the bed, stretching out arms in front of him while letting out a quiet groan.

I make my way over to him, leaving a gentle peck on his cheek, attempting to reassure his worries about me leaving.

"I'll be back later, I told Sarah I'd get ready with her for tonight" I say, resulting in to him roll his eyes and snake his arm around my waist loosely.

"I can't believe I'm letting my sister steal you from me" he mutters, making me chuckle softly.

"You're so over dramatic" I joke, making him smirk, his eyes flashing with a change of emotion as his gaze roams over my body hungrily.

I feel as his hand around my waist tightens, pulling me closer against him.

His face hovers over the crook of my neck, his warm breath hitting against my sensitive skin.

"Just stay a little longer baby, I know you want to" he whispers, leaving small kisses along my neck.

I feel my breathing become shallow at the sensation of his lips on me, practically moments away from giving into him.

"Rafe I-" I begin, but I'm cut off by frantic knocking at his bedroom door, making me jump.

"Rafe! I need Annie!" I hear Sarah shout from the other side of the door. His face hardens in frustration at his sister interrupting what may have just begun to happen.

"Coming" I shout back to the girl before leaving a small kiss on his lips.

"See you later" i mutter, watching his lips purse, as if he's trying to keep his mouth shut from saying anything.

"Mhm" he hums in annoyance, dropping his hands from my sides and slumping back down on his bed.

I swiftly exit his room, to be immediately embraced by the excited blonde in front of me, grabbing my arm and pulling me down the stairs.

"I'm so excited for tonight, you still coming to get ready with me later?" She exclaims enthusiastically.

"Yes of course" I giggle, following along behind her as we enter the large kitchen.

"You better bring vodka, you know much much I hate showing up sober to a-" she begins, but is interrupted by someone clearing their throat behind us.

I turn around to be faced with Ward, Sarah and Rafes dad. An amused grin plastered on his face at the fact he just heard us talking about drinking.

"Morning sir" I chuckle nervously, hoping he won't care about the fact me and his daughter are planning on getting drunk in his house.

"I've told you, call me ward sweetheart" he replies softly, making me smile in relief.

I've basically known Ward all my life due to him and my dad working together and being close family friends, so he's like another dad to me.

You can only imagine how exhilarated they were when they found out me and Rafe started dating.

"Okay... ward" I laugh softly, Sarah chuckling from besides me too.

He smiles and gives me a small nod before walking off into the kitchen. Within seconds Sarah has a grasp on my arm, pulling me along the hallway and towards the front door.

"Come on, I'll drive you home. We can talk in the car" she says cheerily, making me giggle at her basically manhandling my body.

"Bye ward" I shout down the hall as she tugs me out of the front door.

"Bye honey"


I watch out the window at the rows of palm trees and large houses as Sarah drives down her neighbourhood, quiet music buzzing through the car stereo.

"What you wearing tonight?" She asks, snapping me out of my gaze to look over at her.

"I bought a dress last week that I think will be nice" I tell her, smiling to myself at the thought of it.

"You think Rafe will mind? You know how he gets" she asks me, her tone casual as she keeps her focus primarily on the road in front of her.

The smile on my lips falters at her question, making me shift in the car seat awkwardly.

"I'm sure he'll be fine" I mumble nervously, fidgeting with a ring on my index finger as I speak.

"I hope so" she replies, not taking much notice in my change of demeanour.

A few minutes pass of comfortable silence until she's pulling into my driveway, the car stopping at a halt in front of my home.

"See you tonight" she sings out playfully, I give her a small smile before opening the car door.

"I'll text you when I'm on the way" I tell her before getting out the car and waving her off.

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