Chapter thirty-nine

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I shove past Rafe, running out of the bathroom and towards Sarah, who is surprising very quick on her feet

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I shove past Rafe, running out of the bathroom and towards Sarah, who is surprising very quick on her feet.

"Sarah, Sarah... wait" I finally catch up with her, my hand resting on her shoulder to stop her.

She spins around to meet me, a frown forming on her face. "Why didn't you tell me?"

I bite the inside of my cheek, unable to look her in the eye as I rock back and forth on my heels.

"I'm so sorry... we just wanted to figure some stuff out before we told anyone" I mutter, shame washing over my entire body.

She nods slowly, her expression slowly hardening as her gaze shifts to something behind me.

"You do anything to her Rafe, and I swear to god I won't hesitate to kill you" she sneers, pointing her finger at him.

I take a step to the side, watching Rafe's hands go up in defence while he not so subtly tries to hold back an amused smile.

I roll my eyes and turn my attention back to the blonde, placing a hand on her arm.

"Listen, I'm sorry for lying to you. That was shitty" I murmur quietly.

Her face softens as she looks back at me, a weak smile spreading over her lips. "It was shitty, but I can understand why you had too".

I reciprocate the smile, before her arms are wrapping around me, holding me in a tight hug.

"If he does anything to you... anything at all Annie" she whispers by my ear, making me chuckle and pull away to look at her.

"I know" I whisper back, making her smile widen.

I hear Rafe scoff from behind me, resulting in Sarah to roll his eyes as her brother walks off back into the dining room.

"You gonna tell jj?" She asks me in a hushed tone, my smile faltering slightly at her question.

"Not yet, but I will" I tell her, the sense of guilt making my face lose colour and my stomach drop.

"Tell me again why you're not with him instead?" She giggles, the both of us making our way back to the dining room too.

"Good question" I joke back.

I'm taken aback when I notice all eyes on us, more specifically all eyes on me, when we re-enter the room.

Me and Sarah share a look of complete puzzlement, her brows furrowing as she looks at everyone then back at me.

We go to sit down but before we can, Ward is standing from his seat.

"Actually Sarah honey, could you give us a minute?"

I'm now even more confused, and it seems like she is too. To add to the confusion, Rafe is refusing to even look in my direction, an unreadable expression etched on his face.

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