Chapter seven

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I arrived home from Tannyhill a couple of hours ago, I really wasn't in the mood to be anywhere near rafe so I left.

I'm still pretty annoyed at him for last night, every time I think about it I feel the embarrassment and sadness all over again, making me want to ignore him for longer.

I'm laying in bed currently, watching some crappy tv, and as bad as it is, it's seeming to distract me from thinking about rafe.

As I'm watching my tv, fully invested in whatever is happening on this reality tv show, I feel my phone buzz... again.

I know it's rafe, because he's been non stop texting and phoning me since I left.

I groan and pick up my phone, my thumb flicking through the notifications on my lock screen.

Rafe<3: 1.36pm missed call (2)

Rafe<3: 2.01pm- I'm sorry baby

Rafe<3: 2.13pm missed call (3)

Rafe<3: 2.20pm- are you seriously giving me the silent treatment ?

Rafe<3: 2.22pm- you're so immature

Rafe<3: 2.35pm missed call (1)

Rafe<3: 4.24pm- I know you're ignoring me, I saw Sarah talking to you on her phone

Rafe<3: 4.30pm- you're a fucking bitch

I look through the texts and roll my eyes at them, he's basically just having a conversation with himself. I know it's a little immature that I'm ignoring him, but I just can't deal with him today.

I turn my phone off and chuck it down on the bed next to me, then put my focus back on the tv.


I'm abruptly woken up by knocking on my bedroom door, I must've fallen asleep while watching television.

I rub my eyes and sit up in bed a little, "come in" I say groggily, then my dad walks in, giving me a small smile.

"Get up and get dressed into something a little nicer" he says, i furrow my brows in confusion.

"Why?" I ask, rubbing my tired eyes. "Wards having us over for dinner honey, so come on, I want you ready in the next half hour" my dad says explains to me, making me instantly groan.

"Do I have to come?" I say, I couldn't think of anything worse than to sit through dinner with rafe being there.

"Yes, Absolutely" he says then looks down at his expensive watch, tapping it. "You've got 29 minutes now young lady" he says then walks out and shuts my door.

I groan loudly and throw the covers off of my body then get up off of my bed. I stretch my stiff limbs out and then walk over to my closet to chose something to wear.


25 minutes later I'm dressed and ready to go. I opted for a simple baby pink dress, pairing it with some cute pink heels, and my van cleef gold necklace and matching earrings and bracelet.

I manage to apply minimal makeup, just some pink lipgloss and mascara.

"Come on honey!" My dad shouts from down stairs, "coming!" I shout back, quickly grabbing my pink Chanel purse to match my outfit.

I don't think I've ever looked more kook in my life... but dinner at the Cameron's means you're expected to play the part.


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